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摧毁一切!Destroy everything!

摧毁他们!刺穿他们!Gut them! Impale them!

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他则被这场恋爱摧毁。He is destroyed by this love.

决不能摧毁正义。Force can never destory right.

暴力决不能摧毁正义。Force can never destory right.

格鲁吉亚被摧毁的历史Obliterating history in Georgia

冰雹摧毁了我的芙蓉花。The hailstorm destroyed my hibiscus.

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这次失败没有摧毁他们的信念。The failure did not kill their faith.

超过700,000房屋被摧毁。Over 700,000 homes have been destroyed.

圣骑士训练营地被摧毁。The Paladin training camp is destroyed.

被摧毁的城市活人不多。Blitzed towns has no many living people.

就如蝗虫摧毁农田般。Ever seen croplands destroyed by locusts.

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洛萨摧毁了诅咒神庙。Lothar destroys the Temple of the Damned.

否则,我们就摧毁这个地方…Otherwise, we will destroy this place....

她是怎么逃脱海啸巨大摧毁力的仍然是个谜。Why she did not drown remained a mystery.

我想要摧毁附近的一座精灵城市。I wish to destroy an Elven city near here.

苏联红军摧毁了轴心国的507个师。The Red Army destroyed 507 Axis divisions.

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苏丹的那座化工厂被摧毁。The Sudanese chemical plant was destroyed.

失去这个小雕像对我而言是摧毁性的。The loss of the statuette was devastating.

确认敌人设施摧毁!AWACS Thunderhead Enemy facility destroyed!