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这个兵站有富足的食品供应。The military depot has a plentiful supply of food.

每年,曼特尔兵站吸引大约十亿游客。Ord Mantell attracts about a billion tourists annually.

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曼特尔兵站的这些部分无意接待游客。These parts of Ord Mantell are not intended for tourists.

而你所要花费的就是一个小狗或是一个机枪兵站在那就行了。And all it takes is a single Zergling or Marine to use it.

土地测量员叹了口气,离开了兵站。The surveyor heaved a sigh and made his way out of the station.

那年青的士兵站着一动不动,只是嘴在动着。The young soldier stood still except that his mouth was moving.

曼特尔兵站拥有某些银河系中最宽松的银行法律。Ord Mantell has some of the most lenient banking laws in the galaxy.

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其中一个在曼特尔兵站的交锋中几乎得到汉头上的赏金。One nearly bagged the price on Han's head in a run-in on Ord Mantell.

汉?索罗有一段与众多赏金猎人在曼特尔兵站狭路相逢的历史。Han Solo has had a history of close run-ins with bounty hunters on Ord Mantell.

这个不起眼的运输行动被反抗联盟在曼特尔兵站所截获。The inconspicuous shipment was intercepted by the Rebel Alliance on Ord Mantell.

几个赏金猎人在曼特尔兵站与汉遭遇,差点得手。Several bounty hunters almost succeeded in collecting during run-ins on Ord Mantell.

在曼特尔兵站附近有一团稠密的类似彗星的云团绕行星转动,就是这个大赛的集结地。A dense cometary cloud orbits near Ord Mantell, and is the staging grounds for the race.

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龙卷风来袭仅几分钟,一支紧急救援队就离开兵站前去救援。Within minutes of the tornado happening, an emergency rescue team left the station to help.

一离开方多的干船坞,“执行者号”就摧毁了拉克廷兵站的义军基地。Once leaving dry-dock at Fondor, the Executor destroyed the Rebel outpost at Laakteen Depot.

花园里的芸香花和银莲花竞相开放,像一列列光彩照人的玩具兵站在矮墙边。In the garden the rue anemones come marching out, bright as toy soldiers on their parapets of stone.

纳穆特兵站之行,奥拉被星际海盗绑架,并被他们抹黑绝地的谎言蒙骗。While on a trip to Ord Namurt, Aurra was kidnapped by star pirates, who fed her lies regarding the Jedi.

这位年轻的母亲在托登兵站的一场灾难中与自己的孩子失散。A young mother who became separated from her child after a disaster on Ord Thoden, she was presumed dead.

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他比喻军官命令守规矩的士兵站到右边,不守规矩的士兵站到左边。He uses the analogy of the officer who orders the good soldiers to march to the right, the bad to the left.

不过,帝国军通常会避免在曼特尔兵站惹出麻烦,因为这样做实在是不值得。Usually, the Imperials avoided rooting out trouble on Ord Mantell, since it really wasn't worth their while.

曼特尔兵站的世界里地形多种多样,而其中沃尔波特大陆以其南海岸上延展开的一长串城市而自豪。A world of varied terrain, Ord Mantell's continent of Worlport boasts a sprawl of cities along its southern shore.