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我的衣服在背后打结。My dress ties at the back.

这缎带不好打结。The ribbon doesn't tie well.

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绕口令有没有让你的舌头打结呀?Do tongue twisters twist your tongue?

打结在攀岩运动中是至关重要的。Knot tying is vital in rock climbing.

这线太硬不容易打结。This wire is too stiff to knot easily.

我一上台就紧张,舌头也开始打结。I got stage-fright and became tongue-tied.

它不能在打结的罗缎一块。It cannot be knotted to a piece of gros grain.

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打结长度、宽度可以方便的进行调整。Msy tie the length, width convenient adjusting.

再将之拉到前面,在腰部打结。Pull it to the front and tie it around your waist.

打结的绳环或扁带环是禁止使用的。Knotted rope or tape slings shall not be permitted.

型打结器及胸膜固定术在胸腔镜手术中安全可靠。"V" type knot device and pleurodesis are safe in VATS.

它起因打结这是很不容易理清。It causes knotting which is not at all easy to untangle.

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这条超酷的毛巾不用打结就能穿。This cool towel does not employ the use of any fastener.

同时预防宠物的毛发打结。Using a shedder also prevents hair from becoming tangled.

我不喜欢用容易打结的线缝补。TANGLE】I don't like to sew with thread that tangles easily.

为甚麽宠儿的披毛不够亮丽、又乾、又稀疏及常打结?。Why does my pet have non-shiny, dry, thin and tangled coat?

就像一个打结的胶皮管,压力升高并积聚。As in a kinked garden hose, pressure builds up and backs up.

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真夜欣喜的双眉都快打结了。The double of the true night rejoice eyebrow almost knotted tie.

心里如果「打结」了,最好能向内观看自己的起心动念处。When the mind is knotted, best look inward where thoughts arise.

将长气球打气,尾端留十公分打结。Inflate the long balloon, leaving 10 cm uninflated, and tie a knot.