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它能运行孤岛危机么?。Can it run Crysis?

危机很快就过去了。The crisis soon passed.

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抑或是一场信心危机?Or a crisis of confidence?

现在,中年危机还是来了。Now they face midlife crises.

金融危机是一件。The financial crisis was one.

第五,危机管理评价。Second, Pro-crisis Management.

但数量过剩是一种危机。But overpopulation is a crisis.

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因为这样会危机重重。because it's too much at stake.

但谁又能决定什么是危机?But who decides what’s a crisis?

权且称之为“白”的危机。Call it the crisis of whiteness.

金融危机是一次严重挫折。The financial crisis was a jolt.

现在我们面临全球性危机We have an international crisis.

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我们不会为你们的危机付款。We will not pay for your crisis.

注意标牌,危机勿进。Look at the sign, danger keep out.

有一种渐入危机的趋势。There is a slow drift into crisis.

世卫组织在危机中起什么作用?What is the role of WHO in crises?

但是欧债危机已经时不我待。Yet the euro crisis will not wait.

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他说,“现在存在着肉食危机。“There is a meat crisis,” he said.

然而,危机并未就此结束。However, the crisis has yet to end.

我们对随身行李危机的解决方案Our solution to the carry-on crisis