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谨慎小心会导致忧心忡忡。Wise care begets care.

庞弗雷夫人看起来忧心忡忡。Madam Pomfrey looked worried.

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她忧心忡忡。She was devoured with anxiety.

国王和熊,常使守护人忧心忡忡。Kings and bears oft worry keepers.

不必对通货膨胀问题忧心忡忡。It's no need to brood over inflation.

你笑的越多,知道的越少,你变得忧心忡忡。The more you laugh, The less you fret.

她老是忧心忡忡。She was perpetually assailed with worries.

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他曾说,挂心不等于病态的忧心忡忡。He's not pathological or anything, he says.

很多成天忧心忡忡的人天生富有想象力。Many worriers are gifted with imaginations.

我终日在忧心忡忡中度过。I spent day after day in the direst suspense.

你常忧心忡忡,且容易烦恼。You worry a lot and you're always easily uet.

与此同时,沙伦对我的不回忧心忡忡。Meanwhile, Sharon wondered why I had not returned.

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她对琐碎小事的忧心忡忡使他感到惊讶。He was surprised by the triviality of her anxieties.

这让为安全问题忧心忡忡的官员们为之一振。That gives security-conscious officials the shivers.

虽然忧心忡忡,但他还得露出一副笑脸。He had to present a smiling face though heavy-hearted.

虽然忧心忡忡,但他还得露出一幅笑容。He had to present a smiling face though heavy-hearted.

病童的母亲忧心忡忡度过了许多不眠之夜。The mother of the sick child passed many anxious nights.

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他忧心忡忡地回忆起以前每个星期六晚上他都会去泡吧的往事。He wistfully recalls Saturday nights when he went clubbing.

税务律师本克莱恩,一位忧心忡忡的本地居民如是说。" said one concerned Winnetka resident, tax lawyer Ben Klein.

西索霍的随行人员也一直米兰,他们对此忧心忡忡。Cissokho's entourage are also in Milan and they are concerned.