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他把刀从刀鞘里抽出来。He drew his knife from its sheath.

你把刀插回刀鞘里了吗?Have you put the knife in the case?

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匕首牢牢地卡在银质刀鞘中。The dagger stuck tightly in the silver scabbard.

此刀柄连同一老刀鞘还有一刀刃我一起是200元收进的。I bought it with an old scabbard and a blade by 200 Yuan.

刀鞘被制作的具有很高的观赏性和价值。Sheaths are also made to command high appreciation and value.

甚至连刀鞘也是竹子做的。Even the scabbards for the weapons were constructed from bamboo.

那把刀是用黑色皮子包的刀鞘。过一阵上图给大家!!!!That Dao has the black scabbard. I'll post the pics later! ! ! !

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漂亮!第一张图中刀鞘和柄上镶嵌的是玛瑙吗?Beautiful! Is the thing inlaid in the scabbard and handle carnelian ?

他又找到了一个皮木做的合适刀鞘然后将匕首插了进去。He found a wood-and-leather sheath that fit and slipped the dirk inside.

他放下枪,从臀部的镶珠刀鞘中拔出他的猎刀。He lowered it and drew his hunting-knife from its beaded sheath at his hip.

不要在拔刀的时候用手指整个的握住刀鞘。Do not encircle the scabbard with your fingers while drawing out your khukuri.

刀鞘保护刀的锋利,它自己则满足于它的迟钝。The scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the sword.

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⊙、刀鞘保护刀的锋利,它自己则满足于它的迟钝。The scabbard, protects the keenness of the sword itself is content to be dull.

刀鞘庇护刀的尖锐,它本身则知足于它的痴钝。the scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the sword.

刀鞘松垮的时候,一定要注意刀和刀鞘分开储放。In loose cases, always make sure to keep the blade and scabbard separately when storing.

这刀真是够长的了,应该是骑兵用的刀吧?只是坐在马上要如何把这么长的刀从刀鞘中取出呢?。This Dao is so long enough, should it be used by cavalry ?But how to draw it out on a horse?

闲来无事,用钢锯条做刀剑。木做剑鞘刀鞘,包真皮,寿山石和黄杨木做的装具。I'm free and make a sword by hacksaw, a scabbard by wood, with corium covered on, and fittings by Shoushan stone and boxwood.

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他那长长的枪套和皮带是锃亮的,银马刺和刀鞘也闪闪发光,这就是彼得大叔不辞劳苦擦了又擦的结果。His long holster and belt glistened and his silver spurs and scabbard gleamed, from the industrious polishing Uncle Perter had given them.

刀刃也可以往刀鞘前缘顶顶来防止在刀鞘里啼里逛荡的抖。Khukuri blade can also be prevented from wobbling inside the scabbard by pushing the blade forward towards the front edge of the scabbard.

一手握紧刀子,摇晃刀鞘,让刀子在刀鞘里用力前后逛荡几下。Hit the front edge of the scabbard close to the throat and the back edge several times with one hand while the other holds the khukuri handle firmly.