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船停靠在一个幽僻的小湾里。We were anchored in a secluded cove.

蜿蜒小径通向幽僻的地方。A winding path leads to a secluded place.

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他下半生一直生活在一个幽僻的小山村里。He lived the rest of his life in a quiet and remote village.

不能想象比这园子更加荒旷更加幽僻的地方了。Nothing more wild and solitary than this garden could be imagined.

接着他们会喝个酩酊大醉,或者晃进某个幽僻的寺庙里私会。Then everyone would get drunk or wander off for a tryst in a secluded temple.

在梦境中那幽僻的小径上我追寻着前世的爱恋…In the dusky path of a dream I went to seek the love who was mine in a former life.

在他脑中,即使是一个遥远国家的幽僻地方也很清楚。The most obscure places in faraway countries were always accurately placed on his mental map.

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一条向来平静的峡谷里坐落着几个富饶幽僻的农场,而一场狂风暴雨使峡谷内的恐怖陡然剧增。In a normally peaceful canyon, with wealthy secluded ranches, a furious storm seems to multiply its terrors.

视觉上的学习者开始从幽僻之地溜了出来,并且因为有个老师愿意去倾听他们,整个班级都发展起来了。The visual learners started to creep out of the woodwork, and the whole class now thrives because a teacher was willing to listen to them.

他们极端苦吟的创作态度、奇涩精警的五律体制、清寒幽僻的艺术旨趣,在中国文学史上产生了深远的影响。Their extremely hardship creative attitude, strange poem system, Deeply artistic interests, have had a profound impact in the history of Chinese literature.