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奢华旅游业江河日下。Luxury travel is going downstream.

新经理希望能够扭转公司江河日下的状况。The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes.

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组织江河日下的财务状况必须调整。The deterioration of the organization's financial position must be reversed.

德尔斐的财富逐渐江河日下,德尔斐成了战争的牺牲品,最后沦为时间的废墟。Gradually Delphi's treasures returned to the earth, victims of war, landslides, and the dust of time.

接下来的几年中出现了许多模仿者,但每一位都使黑日江河日下。A string of imitators emerged in the following years, and with each one Black Sun was further diminished.

零零星星的迹象表明,美元作为全球通用货币的选择,其地位正在江河日下。And there have been anecdotal signs that the dollar's popularity as the world's currency of choice is fading.

看看现在的婴儿名字排行表吧,“哈罗得”这样的老英格兰名字江河日下,在人口上比来自法语的“亨利”少得多。Look at baby name league tables today, and the Old English name of Harold languishes far below the French-derived Henry in popularity.

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一个暗箱操作的财团决定着中非的石油贸易。在光鲜的贸易大单掩盖下,普通非洲民众的生活状况却是江河日下。China's oil trade with Africa is dominated by an opaque syndicate. Ordinary Africans appear to do badly out of its hugely lucrative deals.

因为我国当局的鼎力搀扶,国内的物流工业正呈现快速开展,江河日下的现象,在国民经济中的位置也目益主要。Currently logistics has become the world economy as a new growth point and a hot, China began to eye on the development of logistics industry PE.

第二,江河日下的新闻媒体依然在无意中充当着特朗普的帮凶,因为它没有把握好该如何报道这位前所未有的新总统。The news media remains an unwitting accomplice in its own diminishment as it fails to get a handle on how to cover this new and wholly unprecedented president.

在纽约举行的路透媒体精英汇上,媒体高管们面对消费者信心一落千丈,经济前景江河日下的惨淡局面,绞尽脑汁给予最佳“解读”。At the Reuters Media Summit, executives tried to put their best spin on an industry that is facing deteriorating consumer confidence and diminishing economic prospects.

可几年下来,唱片界中诸多人士已开始对此表示怀疑,他们声称照此方法提供音乐不会取代江河日下的CD销售业。And over the year, many people in the music business have become skeptical, claiming that offering music in this manner will not be able to replace quickly diminishing CD sales.

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田野冷笑地提示韩珊,一个江河日下的企业,决不允许任何企业和个人对其名誉停止诽谤和诽谤,希望韩珊好自为之。The field HanShan tips to sneer at a decrepit enterprise, never allow any enterprise and individual to its reputation, libel and slander hopes to stop HanShan take care of yourself.

他希望国营电视台总监能重新考虑停播的指令,以便挽回国营电视台江河日下的公信力,以及捍卫砂拉越原住民的言论自由,以及广大读者的知情权。He would like the RTM ketua pengarah to reconsider the off the air decision, so that RTM's creditability can be restored and benefit of the natives as well as the audience can be assured.

从那儿,卡扎菲被带到苏尔特,在那儿他和他江河日下的军队以及铁杆支持者在导弹和炮火的围歼中挺过了令人绝望的两个月。From there Gaddafi was taken to Sirte where he and his dwindling band of die-hard supporters had made a last stand under a rain of missile and artillery fire in a desperate two-month siege.

如今人们的拼写能力江河日下,她认为这并非方言丰富多样化所致,乔叟时代亦是如此,而是缘于游牧文化中占统治地位的精髓,它认为语言无关紧要。Spelling is in decline today, she thinks, not because of the rich diversity of dialects, as in Chaucer 's day, but because the dominant mindset of nomadic culture is that language does not matter.

美国霸权江河日下,美国必须知道它不可以继续对整个世界呼来喝去,随便恐吓了,相反的,美国应集中精力来解决国内问题,越快越好。US power is declining by the day. The sooner it learns that it can't lecture and threaten the world any longer and instead needs to devote its energies to fixing its domestic problems, the better.