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吵架是无济于事的。There is no use in arguing.

甜言美语填不饱肚皮。甜言美语无济于事。Fair words fill not the belly.

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至于其他人,情人卡也无济于事。For the rest, no card can console.

反对也无济于事,反对也没有多大用。There's very little point in protesting.

可是所有劝告全都无济于事。But all the advisements went of no avail.

向命运叫骂无济于事呢,因为命运是个聋子。It's no use abusing fate, for it is a deaf.

罚款的威胁也无济于事。Threats of massive fines have gone unheeded.

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尽管飞机爬高了些,但无济于事,一点用都没有。The plane climbed higher but that didn't help.

麦卡伦虽尽力阻止,但仍无济于事。Although McCarran try to stop, but to no avail.

然而,他所有的努力都无济于事,女。His best efforts, however, proved unavailing and.

我觉得挣扎无济于事了,我不能再忍下去。I have struggled in vain and can bear it no longer.

冥王的诏令、所载和警告都无济于事。Recalls, signs of anger, warnings were of no avail.

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要抑制我这方面的本能是无济于事的。It is no use trying to suppress that side of myself.

在这种塞车的情况下,你再按喇叭也无济于事。No need to honk the horn under such a traffic block.

给他们看数据似乎也无济于事。Giving them data seemed to not impress them one iota.

之后我意识到对于使我的身材更有型,负疚无济于事。Then I realize that guilt does nothing to get me fitter.

李女士在电话里说,"我大声叫喊,想要反抗但是无济于事."I screamed and tried to fight them off but it was no use.

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尽管飞机爬高了些,但无济于事,一点用都没有。The plane climbed higher but that didn't help. It didn't.

这家银行大肆吹嘘的保安设施完全无济于事。The bank's much-vaunted security system failed completely.

数十万辆车闲置未售,降价也无济于事。Hundreds of thousands of cars sit unsold, even at cut prices.