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他们是蛮族的探子?Are they the scouts of tribe beautiful?

打击手的任务是抓到金探子。The beater's job is to catch the snitch.

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约书亚先派了两个探子过约旦河。But first, Joshua sent two spies across the Jordan.

约书亚所派进应许之地的两个探子之一。One of the two spies Joshua sent into the promised land.

喇合为探子们提供了消息和保护。Rahab provided both information and protection for the spies.

是摩西差派进入应许之地的12个探子之一。Was one of the 12 spies sent into the promised land by Moses.

约书亚派这两个探子进耶利哥城把喇合和家人带出来。Joshua sent these spies into Jericho to bring out Rahab and family.

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方法新型泪道探通引流装置由两端金属探子及中间软性硅胶管组成。Metallic probes were at each end, and a soft silicon tube was in between.

当约书亚派两个探子去耶利哥的时候,他们住在谁的家里?When Joshua sent the two spies into Jericho, in whose home did they stay?

朱红线绳是给探子们的暗号,告诉他们她想获救。The scarlet cord was a sign to the spies she wanted to be rescued by them.

在此,主要以直流四探子测定方法作为讨论的重点加以叙述。In this article we state mainly emphasizing of Four-Terminal Probe Techniques.

神可能是为了拯救喇合的缘故,感动约书亚的心,让他派两个探子到耶利哥城侦探。Then God must have moved the heart of Joshua to send out spies because of Rahab.

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当耶利哥王派士兵去搜寻探子的时候,喇合是怎么保护他们的?When the king sent soldiers to search for the spies, how does Rahab protect them?

接二连三回来的探子,都给他带来了更使人烦恼的消息。One after another of his scouts arrived, each brought him more discomfortable news.

虽然黑龙离他们有一英里远,但是这名探子却整个人都僵硬了,直到他的马儿在惊恐中嘶鸣。The dragon was a mile off, and yet the scout stood frozen until his stallion began to whicker in fear.

要抓到金探子,搜捕手必须夺下悬挂在那位选手短裤后面的袜子。To capture the snitch, the seeker has to snatch the sock that hangs out the back of the runner's shorts3.

该文件指责那些“想蝗虫一样遍布这块土地的探子”导致了“严峻的”形式。The document blamed the “very grave” situation on spies who had “spread throughout the land like locusts.”

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其中最大的差异在于麻瓜版魁地奇比赛是在椭圆形的场地上举行,而金探子则是一位穿著黄色衣服的选手。The biggest differences are that playing is done on an oval2 field and the snitch is a player dressed in yellow.

约书亚暗中派出两个探子从什亭出发,去侦察对岸的形势,特别是耶利哥城的情况。Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim. "Go, look over the land, " he said, "especially Jericho.

有一天,派出去的探子回来报告,说陈仓守将郝昭病重。One day, a scout came back to report that Hao Zhao was seriously ill. Zhuge Liang thought that the chance had come at last.