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起义是狂热的表现。An insurrection is an enthusiasm.

上星期一支伪军部队起义了。A puppet troop revolted last week.

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起义,我们将与血液流完。Revolt, With Blood We'll Flow The End.

那次武装起义最后给镇压下去了。The armed uprising was finally put down.

第二年他们就揭竿起义了。The next year they rose up in rebellion.

人民终于武装起义推翻了残暴的统治者。up in arms and defeated the cruel rulers.

那支起义部队被改编了。The insurrectionary army was redesignated.

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我们会帮助人民起义。We will help the people in that rebellion.

他们害怕再发生一次台湾式起义。They were afraid of another Formosa revolt.

修正在奴隶起义功能上的一个错误。Fixed an error in the slave revolt function.

那是否意味着恢复武装起义?Does this mean returning to the armed insurgency?

你读过了这个起义的宣言吗?Have you read the pronunciamento of the uprising?

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现在它已是Korhal起义的总部。Now it served as the rebel headquarters on Korhal.

1834年里昂发生了和第一次起义相似的第二次丝绸工人起义。A second revolt, similar to the first, took place in 1834.

戴维营会议的失败迅速被第二次巴勒斯坦大起义的鲜血浸染。Their failure led to the bloodbath of the Second Intifada.

我应当这样做,因为起义应当有它的纪律。I had to do it, because insurrection must have its discipline.

三角洲地区的缅甸人举行起义,突然袭击卑谬城。The delta burmese rose in revolt and rushed the town of prome.

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对于起义和起义最终的结果他总说没意见。About the Rebellion and its results he would express no opinion.

最后,还使用一切方法煽动阿比西尼亚起义。Finally the revolt in abyssinia was being fanned by every means.

在这一阶段,赵声运动新军发动起义的模式已基本成熟。There, his mode to revolutionize the New Army had mainly formed.