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他们的声音雄浑而纯净。Their voices are strong and pure.

这类诗中颇多高古、雄浑之作。Many of the poems were elegant and virile.

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它具有河流蜿蜒、海洋雄浑的特色。It will be like meandering rivers and the bellowing sea.

山以其厚重,历沧桑而为之雄浑。Hill with thick, which has the final calendar vicissitudes.

据说老奥是一个很自信且声音很雄浑的一个人。Barack's father was self assured and reportedly had a very deep voice.

然而,这场战斗给起义大业带来了悲壮的先烈和雄浑的战斗口号。But the battle gave the insurgent cause its martyrs and its battle cry.

喀纳斯湖位于中国新疆北部,雄浑娇秀,风景如画。Kanas Lake is located in Northern Xinjiang, China, forceful Johnson show, picturesque.

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三是艺术风格不同,唐诗雄浑,而宋诗婉丽。In artistic style, Tang poetry is majestic, and Song poetry is graceful and restrained.

本文认为,其审美特征主要表现在鲜明生动,新颖传神,苍老雄浑三个方面。Third chapter mostly discuss dufu 's trope imago single and brilliance Character from taste angle.

你金嗓子正唱着雄浑的交响曲,而我则是一个忠实的听众。You were compositing vigorous and firm symphonies in beautiful tone, and I was your loyal listener.

它古朴飘逸的纹理可以很好地表现出雄浑的气势和悲壮的美。Its primitive simplicity and elegant texture can be well demonstrated a vigorous momentum and tragic beauty.

我们难以拥有那样雄浑的襟怀,不知累积至那种广袤,需如何积攒每一粒泥土?It is difficult to have as broad a forceful, I do not know that to accumulate vast, how to save every one soil?

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山势大致南北延伸,高大雄浑,状如伏牛,俗名牛山。Roughly north-south extension of the mountain, the tall and vigorous, shaped like barberry, common name Ushiyama.

唐卡艺术在传承与变迁中或以神秘、或以精美、或以繁复、或以雄浑的气势带给世人以文化的震撼和享受。People are shocked and also enjoying the power, the mystery, the implication, or exquisite which Tangka brings to us.

雄浑有力的渔歌号子在述说渔民劳动的艰辛和丰收的喜悦。The heart-stirring and forceful work songs depict the fishermen's hard work as well as their happiness of a big haul.

柔和甜美的音乐抚慰疲乏、伤心、和不安的人。雄浑的音乐使强者充满强大的志向。Soft and sweet music soothes the wearied, the sad, the restless, grand music will fill strong men with great ambitions.

在谈到其词的意境美时,把清丽柔婉、雄浑壮阔之美悉数数来。When talks about its word ideal condition US, simple and beautiful supple graceful, the vigorous grand beauty all counts.

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全塔成九层八面棱锥体,雄浑古朴,体现了劳动人民的建筑才能。The whole nine-storey tower into octahedral pyramid body, powerful simplicity, embodies the working people to the building.

拽拉抖动空竹时,各哨同时发音,高亢雄浑,声入云表。When pulled to tremble to move an empty bamboo, each pronounced in the meantime, high male , the voice went into cloud form.

此刻,我的耳边又回响我的我爱国之心,万里长城永不倒这雄浑,激越的歌声。At the moment, my ear again response my Ipatriotic of heart, the great wall never pour this male Hun, arouse more of singing.