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论资排辈的体制逐渐走向现代化。The seniority system is slowly modernizing.

第十条必须论资排辈。Article tenth must be promoted according to status.

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论资排辈是一种习惯势力,是一种落后的习惯势利。Seniority is a force of habit is a habit behind snobbish.

论资排辈制依然存在,在所在州中,阿肯色州由此所获得的权势最大。The seniority system was alive and well, and no state had more power from it than Arkansas.

它有个特点,不论资排辈,凡是合格的人就使用,并且认为这是理所当然的。It has a feature, not seniority, any qualified person to use, and that this is taken for granted.

放在以前那个论资排辈的年代,艾伯特本可当一名了不起的市长或国会某委员会主席。Ebbert would have made a great mayor or congressional committee chairman in the old days when seniority ruled.

论资排辈使得高素质的人才难以脱颖而出。Assigning a job in accordance with qualifications and seniority makes high-quality talent difficult to stand out.

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在学术上,只要有创造,有贡献,就应该评给相应的学术职称,不能论资排辈。In intellectual work whoever has made contributions should be given a corresponding title regardless of seniority.

说到此度假时间表,必须先成立工作小组,我听说为了论资排辈可能有变更?On this vacation schedule that the team has to get set up, I heard there may be a. change with respect to seniority?

也许在你看来,动物世界里按“情商”论资排辈的话,鸡类可能将名落孙山。You might think chickens are way down the pecking order in the animal kingdom when it comes to emotional intelligence.

是因为被我们这些人盖住了,是论资排辈的习惯势力使得这些年轻人起不来。But they are overshadowed by us its the old custom of promoting by seniority that has prevented the young people from coming up.

在敬茶时除了论资排辈,按步就方之外,还得先敬客人来宾然后自家人。In addition to seniority when Jing Cha, step-by-step on the side, the guests have to respect first and then the guests Zijia Ren.

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我不喜欢论资排辈,我认为区别教练的好坏是看他所取得的成就的多少。I'm not a defender of old managers or new ones. I believe in good managers and bad ones, ones who achieve success and ones who didn't.

按照“论资排辈”的薪酬支付体系,这将加剧日本企业的成本,使年轻人获得培训和好职位的经费少得可怜。Because of a seniority-based pay system, this puts a huge strain on business costs, leaving less money to provide young people with training and good jobs.

印度官僚制度的基础必须从论资排辈转变为奖优惩劣。Indian bureaucracy needs to be transformed from a system based on the benefits of seniority to one that rewards good performance and punishes poor outcomes.

当经济增长放缓时,这种论资排辈的薪酬制度也已经衰退。但是老员工拿的仍然最多,尤其是五十岁以上的员工,而这部分人正在增加。The seniority-based pay system has receded as growth has slowed but the older workers, especially the over-50s, who are growing in number, remain the most costly.

现在的日本企业里所谓的会歌也许已经不复存在,但是强调忠诚思想的繁文缛节,注重论资排辈的森严等级,对于升职快的管理人员来说还是家常便饭。The company song may have gone, but for the moment loyalty, character-building induction rituals and rigid hierarchies remain common for fast-track managerial employees.

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在政治正确的办公室中,人们期望我们忽略年龄问题,但事实上,年龄问题仍是办公室里的一个重要因素,我们会根据它来论资排辈,确定自己的等级层次,而且,假装忽略这个问题是很蠢的。In a politically correct office we are expected to be age-blind, but age remains a big part of where we feel we fit into a hierarchy and it is silly to pretend otherwise.