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伤口血流如注。The wound rained blood.

那个同学话音刚落,姜浩就重重地打出了一拳,同学的鼻子顿时血流如注。The student’s nose was bleeding nonstop.

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他的伤口重开时血流如注。There am a gush of blood as his wound re-opened.

他的伤口重开时血流如注。There was a gush of blood as his wound re-opened.

把她手指剪掉,当场血流如注,这一幕很残忍。Cut her finger, it rains blood on the spot, this scene is very cruel.

挨打的老婆血流如注,好几颗牙都被打掉了。The wife was bleeding profusely and several of her teeth had been knocked out.

一个卡扎菲的拥护者出现时依然活着,右手被砍的血流如注。One Gadhafi loyalist appeared to be still alive, his right hand a bloody stump.

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有时遍体鳞伤,血流如注,这些女孩在看似紫禁城的背景前摆姿势。Sometimes bruised and bloodied , the girls pose in what looks like the Forbidden City.

如果我们夺取无辜动物的生命使其血流如注,我们何以有资格谈论权力与正义?How can we speak of right and justice if we take an innocent creature and shed its blood?

我有两次眼睛差点儿被打瞎,一次被他们用石头打破了前额,血流如注。One day my forehead was broken by a piece of stone, causing blood to stream down over my chest.

尽管伤口血流如注,先知带着冠军骑士和擒获的第六位国王回到城里。With blood streaming from the wound, he carried the champion knight and the captured sixth king back to the city.

一颗滑膛枪弹击中了国王的左脚,撕开一条长长的伤口,顿时血流如注。A musketball struck the king in the left foot and opened up a long gash which immediately began to bleed profusely.

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我有两次眼睛差点儿被打瞎,一次被他们用石头打破了前额,血流如注。On two occasions I almost went blind after getting punched in my eyes and at another time they threw a rock at me and broke my forehead causing severe bleeding.

几分钟前,哈利把手伸进这层杂物,右手的无名指突然一阵钻心的剧痛,抽出来一看,已经血流如注。Minutes previously, Harry had plunged his hand into this mulch, experienced a stabbing pain in the fourth finger of his right hand, and withdrawn it to see a lot of blood.

我有一个朋友,在十九岁时在医生建议下做了环切手术,他告诉我在未做手术之前经常血流如注,常常会变得很尴尬。One friend who had a circumcision when he was 19, on medical advice, says that before the cut he used to "explode in a geyser of blood", often at the most embarrassing moments.