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这矿大有开采前途。The mine prospects well.

批出29个金矿开采牌照。Awarded 29 gold mining licenses.

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石墨开采自锡兰。The graphite is mined in Ceylon.

他们曾在小山坡上开采锡。They'd mined the hillside for tin.

猜对了,原木和钻石开采车。Right, only log and diamond trucks.

露天开采毁掉了风景。Strip mining deforms the landscape.

他认为此矿大有开采前途。He thinks that the 2 prospects well.

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峰局五矿是多年开采的老矿。The Fengfeng Five Mine is an old mine.

那座老矿山已经被开采尽了。The old mine is completely worked out.

那银矿已不再开采了。The silver mines are no longer worked.

他们似乎成长从地下开采出来。They seemed to grow out of the ground.

他认为此矿大有开采前途。He thinks that the mine prospects well.

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巨大新发现在易开采的区域。Huge new discoveries in acce ible areas.

人们还在这个地区开采煤矿。Peopel still mine for coal in this area.

可见所有易开采的黄金都已被挖掘一空。All the easy gold has been mined already.

锥进因过速开采而引起。Coning is caused by too rapid production.

这是长壁开采的开始。This is the beginning of longwall mining.

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海上石油开采就受到规模限制。Not much oil-drilling is allowed offshore.

中国拟投巨资海外开采铁矿石打破三巨头垄断。China to pour more cash into overseas iron ore.

开采铁矿则是为了砍伐树木以获取木材。Iron mined in order to topple trees for lumber.