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物质文明在当今十分重要。Material civilization is very important today.

建设高度物质文明的同时,建设高度的精神文明。Build advanced culture and ideology while work hard for advanced material progress.

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它可以是一种预言,可以是对人类物质文明发展过程中出现的问题的展示。It can be a re-prophecy. It can be a display of the problem of human materialization.

中国的物质文明建设和精神文明建设都取得了举世瞩目的成就。Remarkable achievements have been scored in both the material and spiritual civilization.

高度的物质文明和高度的精神文明是相辅相成的。The high degree of material civilization and spiritual civilization complement each other.

旅游是人类在现代物质文明高度发展的基础上对生活的一种高层次需求。Tourism, as a symbol of modern civilization, has been an important part in our daily life.

物质文明是具体的和客观的,而精神文明是主观的和抽象的。Material culture is concrete and observable, while spiritual culture implicit and abstract.

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人类自从步入二十一世纪以来,物质文明的发展益加迅猛。Since human beings march into the 21th century, the material civilization has developed quickly.

旅游是人类在现代物质文明高度发展的基础上对生活的一种高层次需求。Tourism is one kind of high-level need to life, developing on the basis of modern material civilization.

旅游是人类在现代物质文明高度发展基础上所形成的一种高层次的生活需求。Traveling is a kind of high-level demand of human life based on the development of modem material ethics.

五是坚持物质文明和精神文明两手抓。Fifth, equal attention has been attached to improving material civilization and socialist culture and ethnics.

在物质文明高度发达的现代社会,贤治的自然观更显示出其独特的魅力。His view of nature also shows its enduring charm in modern society with highly developed material civilization.

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按照他们的观点,中国需要西方的文化、西方的科学以及密迪乐先生称作的“物质文明”。In their view, China needs Western Culture, Western science, and what Mr. Meadows called "funded civilization."

社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设取得显著成果。Of the socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization construction has made remarkable achievements.

在物质文明飞速发展的今天,高度文明的精神生活已成为人们追求的目标。Today as the physical civilization rapidly develops, highly civilized spiritual life has become what people pursue.

爱国卫生运动十年的发展在促进物质文明建设和精神文明建设方面取得了巨大成就。Ten years of the patriotic public health movement had gained great achievements in mental and material civilisation.

诚信文化对于物质文明的意义,一是对信用制度的支持,二是其渗透于经济活动中的诚信理念。The importance of the Troth and Credit the to the Civilization in material, first it can support the credit institution.

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这些航海之旅,帮助传播了中国的物质文明,以及中国的文化精神和哲学思想。These voyages helped to spread not only tangible but also the spiritual and philosophical components of Chinese culture.

随着市场经济的发展,我国物质文明建设已达到一个新的台阶。With the development of market economy, the material progress construction of our country has already reached a new step.

在建设物质文明与精神文明的同时,还要建设政治文明与制度文明。At the same time when we construct material and spiritual civilization, we have still to construct political civilization.