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探讨共同性内斜视对立体视觉的影响。To investigate the influence of concomitant esotropia on stereovision.

目的探讨神经麻痹性内斜视的手术治疗方法与效果。Objective To study the surgical method and effect of nerve paralysis esotropia.

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目的观察肌联合术治疗麻痹性内斜视的作用。Objective To observe the effect of muscle union in treatment of paralytic esotropia.

目的探讨采用双星明治疗共同性内斜视的临床效果。Objective To study the clinical effect of the Tropicamide Eye Drops to treat the esotropia.

目的探讨下斜肌减弱术对内斜视V征治疗效果。Objective To investigate the effects of inferior oblique muscles weakening on V pattern esotropia.

偶尔有内斜视的孩子会需要双光镜来控制内斜。Occasionally, children who have crossed eyes may need to have bifocals to help control the crossing.

方法追踪观察60例先天性内斜视手术治疗后眼位和双眼单视功能的变化,并进行分析。Methods Eye position and binocular vision was analyzed in 60 cases of congenital esotropia treated by surgery.

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目的探讨手术矫正小儿共同性内斜视的远期疗效。Objective To discuss the long term curative effect of surgical treatment for concomitant esotropia of children.

目的探讨与调节有关的内斜视矫正规律。Objective To study the correcting regulation of accommodative refractive esotropia by the systematic treatment.

目的观察先天性内斜视手术治疗后眼位和双眼单视功能的变化。Objective To observe the eye position and binocular vision function in congenital esotropia treated with surgery.

高度近视性斜视是一种特殊类型的斜视,以固定性内斜视和下斜视多见。Strabismus with high myopia is a kind of special strabismus and fixed esotropia and hypotropia are common styles.

目的探讨儿童部分调节性内斜视的手术时机,手术量。Objective To investigate the surgical optimal timing and extent for partially accommodative esotropia in children.

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高度近视性斜视是一种特殊类型的斜视,以固定性内斜视和下斜视多见。Strabismus with high myopia is a kind of special strabismus, with fixed esotropia and hypotropia as common styles.

目的研究屈光参差程度对微小角度内斜视弱视程度的影响。ObjectiveTo study the relationship between the degree of anisometropia and depth of amblyopia with primary microtropia.

目的探讨儿童部分调节性内斜视的手术时机。ObjectivesThe study was designed to approach the surgical opportunity of partially accommodative esotropia in children.

目的探讨共同性内斜视手术的术后正位率及其影响因素。Objective To evaluate the correction rate of the surgery on concomitant esotropia and study the factors related to the surgery effect.

结论及时对屈光性调节性内斜视病儿进行综合治疗,建立和恢复其双眼单视功能,预后较好。Conclusion The combined therapy has good effects on RAET. It can help the patients recover the binocular single vision with good prognosis.

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目的探讨婴幼儿期先天性内斜视早期手术的护理方法,为临床提供指导。Objective To study the nursing points about the early operation for children with congenital esotropia, and then suppose the suggestion for clinical practice.

通常,这些姿态涉及内斜视,在十八世纪后期歌舞伎演员色彩斑斓的浮世绘木刻版画可以看到这一传统。Often these poses involve crossing the eyes, a convention that can be seen in the colorful ukiyo-e wood-block prints of kabuki actors from the late eighteenth century.

观察48例共同性内斜视患者手术后的远近立体视情况,比较不同发病年龄和手术年龄对立体视的影响。The stereoscopic vision in 48 concomitant esotropia patients after operation was observed. The influence of age of onset and operative age on stereovision was compared.