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不过马奇亚维利的名字着实已泛滥成灾。Machiavelli's name is everywhere.

我们这里的蠢货和懒鬼已经泛滥成灾了!We're Overrun By Nerds And Slackers!

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豪雨导致刚果首都金夏沙泛滥成灾。Heavy rains led to flooding in Kinshasa, Congo.

暴雨使洪水泛滥成灾。The excessive rains caused widespread flooding.

艾滋病和毒品在费尔干纳盆地泛滥成灾。HIV and drug use are skyrocketing in the valley.

都怪古代的天文学家想象力“泛滥成灾”。Blame ancient stargazers with overactive imaginations.

乱设摊点泛滥成灾,造成交通堵塞。Vendors' stands spread unchecked, causing traffic jams.

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在历史上,黄河流城经常泛滥成灾。In history, the Yellow River flow City often are swamped.

在汛期,都阳湖有助于制止长江泛滥成灾。Poyang Lake helps keep down floods on the Changjiang River.

1970年东南亚的高纯度海洛因和鸦片泛滥成灾。In 1970, high-grade heroin and opium flooded Southeast Asia.

久雨之后,河水会泛滥成灾。After a long period of rain the river may overflow its banks.

最终从网页中消灭了泛滥成灾的表格。In the end, superfluous tables were eliminated from the page.

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泛滥成灾的河水已把其沿岸一带的许多城乡给淹没了。The overflowing river has engulfed many towns and villages along its banks.

现如今,在加勒比海和墨西哥湾地区,狮子鱼已经泛滥成灾。It's a case of too many lionfish in the Caribbean and now in the Gulf of Mexico.

在汛期,都阳湖有助于制止长江泛滥成灾。During the flood season, the Poyang Lake helps keep down floods on the Changjiang River.

好吧,所有限制级影片和色情作品,所有的这类东西都曾在这里泛滥成灾。Alright, and all the rated X and all the pornography and all of that, that was everywhere

但是在足球中,“跳水”——主动倒地以制造出犯规的假象——却泛滥成灾。But in soccer “diving”—falling to the ground to create the appearance of a foul—is endemic.

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因此,现在的一个重要问题是,各种新闻媒体和民意调查是否泛滥成灾。Thus, the real question is whether or not there are too many news outlets and too many polls.

在这个时代,主要电视网上的新闻杂志节目中,小报式的煽动报道几乎已泛滥成灾。At a time when the network newsmagazines are close to being overrun by tabloid sensationalism.

遗憾的是,新十年的头一个年头,这种乐听教育时刻已泛滥成灾。Unfortunately, there were a plethora of teachable moments in the first year of the new decade.