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教授坐了下来,无以对答。The professor sat down.

无以规矩,不成方圆。No set rules, not a radius.

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故曰无以人灭天。Guyue eliminate days without people.

他很穷,穷得几乎无以为生。The poor have to struggle for a living.

商店里还有无以计数的玻璃罐。There were also innumerable glass jars.

他的控球技术无以伦比。His skills with the ball are incredible.

在当今这个时代,他的成就无以伦比。His achievements are unmatched in our time.

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回到我的琐屑之中,忙碌着,这是我无以省略的。Back to my trivial, busy, this is me to omit.

祖母无臣,无以终余年。Grandmother, without end years without princes.

这是一种无以伦比的高尚境界。This is a kind of incomparable nobleness realm.

皇天厚土无以回报。The heaven and earth have nothing to repay them.

到海外旅行是无以伦比的冒险。Traveling overseas was an adventure beyond compare.

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你拥有了一只无以名状的相机保护包!You've got a protective yet nondescript camera bag!

中国人做事强调“不积跬步,无以至千里”。CHINA likes to cover large distances in small steps.

在喜气洋洋的老年有着一种无以名之的曙光。There is an indescribable aurora in beaming old age.

尤其是这位女士,她画的风景画无以伦比。Especially the lady, who paints landscape so inimitably.

他触动了许许多多人的生活并帮助拯救了无以计数更多人的生命。He touched so many lives and helped save countless more.

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贝琳达在加的夫的家人悲伤得无以言语。Belinda's family in Cardiff have been too upset to speak.

不积小流,无以成江海。Without small streams, there would be no oceans and seas.

非学无以立身,非教无以立国。Without learning foundation, non teaching not to stand in.