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我得为这首诗选一个主题。I have to choose a subject for the poem.

他购买了一部莎士比亚诗选。He bought a Select Collection of Shakespeare's Poems.

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这本精美的诗选是一个仅有50页的薄书。The selected poem is a slender book of only 50 pages.

他的诗选集在年轻人中很流行。His Selected Poems was very popular among young people.

不管是谁,只要读了这位希腊哲学家所著诗选的第二卷,最终都会死于非命。Whoever reads the Greek philosopher's Second Book of Poetics ends up dead.

清代学宋风行,带来了宋诗选本的繁荣。The trend of imitating Song Poems in Qing Dynasty brought about the prosperity of Song poems.

弥尔顿是那本纪念诗选里唯一一个,写田园诗追悼爱德华金的剑桥诗人。Milton was the only Cambridge poet to honor Edward King in that memorial anthology by writing a poem in the pastoral mode.

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如本刊“特别推荐”栏上发表的经典诗人的经典作品,有许多已转为“夕照诗丛”中的“短诗选”。For example, many classics as special recommendations in the Quarterly have been published as the offprint within The Afterglow Poetry Series.

他出版过数本诗集并编过好几本诗选、评论选和散文选。He is the author of several collections of poetry. He has edited several anthologies, and has published several volumes of criticism and prose.

1984年9月我把新出版的艾译诗选赠与他时,他显然是熟知艾黎的。When I presented to him the newly published Rewi Alley anthology of translated poems in September 1984, evidently he knew the translator well enough.

透过清人所编宋诗选本这一重要窗口,可以观照出清代宋诗学的历史进程。Through this important window the anthologies of Song poems in Qing Dynasty, we should witness the historical process of the Song Dynasty' s poetry in Qing Dynasty.

这张未注明拍摄日期、由里昂与特恩布尔拍卖公司于五月十六日发布的照片中,展示了威廉.麦戈纳格所创作发表的部分诗选。This undated photo was made available on May 16, 2008, by auction company Lyon &Turnbull. It shows part of a collection of works written and published by William McGonagall.

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一个外国人痴迷中国诗歌,三十多年不间断地翻译了如此大量的诗选和民歌,实属难能可贵。A foreigner who, fascinated by Chinese poetry, translated unintermittedly for more than three decades such an enormous number of poems and ballads scored indeed a rare and praiseworthy achievement.