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我想我们需要喝杯冷饮。I think we need a cool drink.

好的。我好想喝杯冷饮。Yes. I'm dring for a cold drink.

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你想喝点冷饮吗?Will you require some cold drink?

你知道,就是那家有101种风味的冷饮店。You know, the one that has 101 flavors.

在热天喝冷饮使人感到清爽。Cool drinks are refreshing on a hot day.

热食冷饮两适宜。It tastes good either served hot or cold.

售饮料机也供应冷饮。The coffee machine also sells cold drinks.

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确实太热了,我想我需要来点冷饮。It’s too hot. I think we need a cool drink.

从冰桶里扔一罐冷饮给我好吗?。Throw me a cold one from the esky, will ya?

你要一些玉米花或冷饮吗?Would you like to have some popcorn or a drink ?

走了很长一段路后感到很热,喝杯冷饮可惬意了。A cool drink was welcome after the long, hot walk.

译这种冷饮用了一片柠檬作装饰。The cool drink was garnished with a slice of lemon.

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桌上没有垫子,天气很热,那是一杯冷饮。There's no coaster, It's a cold drink, it's a hot day.

却没有用垫子垫着,那又是一杯冷饮,又是个大热天。There's no coaster . It's a cold drink, it's a hot day.

君饮七喜,提神醒脑,其它冷饮无法比拟的口味。Fresh up with Seven-up, taste that beats the other cold.

夏天把冷饮倒进去时,它就能保持冰凉。In the summer you put in a cold drink and it stays cold.

天真热!我渴得真想喝一杯冷饮,你呢?What a hot day! I'm gasping for a cold drink,aren't you?

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男孩开始了他的约会,他们去了一家冷饮店。The boy picks up his date and they go to a soda fountain.

我们有咖啡和茶、三明治、蛋糕和冷饮料。We serve coffee and tea, sandwiches, cakes and cold drinks.

可是到了夏天,人们喜欢一种叫麦茶的冷饮茶。But in the summer, people like to call Jimmy a cold tea tea.