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银洞沟矿床是一银金铅锌共生矿床。Most of the Ag ores in China are associated with Pb and Zn.

这是座共生矿,我们可以一次获取多种矿石。This is a paragenesis, we can get various minerals at one time.

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其工业矿物有白钨矿和辉钼矿,其共生矿物以金属硫化物为主。Industrial minerals are scheelite and mo-1ybdenite with sulfides as major associated minerals.

在下庄铀矿田中首次发现了晶质铀矿与白钨矿的共生矿体。It is the first time to find scheelite and uraninite paragenetic orebody in Xiazhuang uranium ore field.

沥青铀矿是矿石中唯一的原生铀矿物,其共生矿物主要有石英、萤石、赤铁矿和黄铁矿。Pitchblende is the only primary uranium mineral, which is associated with quartz, fluorite, hematite and pyrite.

四次配位铝、铁镁、及氧和氢同位素在共生矿物之间的分配基本上达到了平衡。And the partition of four coordinate Al, Fe, Mg and O, H isotopes between coexist minerals accomplished fundamentally equilibrium state.

仅通过添加少量电化学调整剂实现了硫化共生矿石的无捕收剂电化学浮选。The collectorless electrochemistry flotation of commensal sulphur minerals is realized by adding a small quantity of electrochemical regulators.

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虎鹿夼银铅矿床是山东省第一地质矿产勘查院近年来在鲁东地区发现的一处银铅共生矿床。Hulukuang silver-lead deposit newly found by No. 1 Exploration Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources is a syngenetic deposit of silver and lead.

应用化工冶金技术对钨锡难选共生矿进行化冶分离,直接制取钨盐和锡盐产品的试验研究。A test research was performed to separate the hard—to—treat tungsten—tin paragenetic ores by chemo—metallurgical technique and to produce tungsten and tin compounds.

分析了磁铁矿中共生矿物对磁铁矿粉质量的影响,对磁铁矿粉磁性物含量的测试方法提出了一些尝试性改进。Analyses the influence of associated mineral on magnetic-breeze quality in magnetite, makes a suggestion on improving test methods of magnetic substance content in magnetic-breeze.

在精选作业,高效捕收剂苯乙烯膦酸的应用,为从攀枝花多金属共生矿中回收优质钛精矿提出了新的技术途径。The new technique way has also been provided for recovery of high-quality ilmenite concentrates from panzhihua complex ore by use of high-effect astyrylphosphoric acid in cleaning operation.