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他不屑阿谀奉承。He is above flattery.

她不屑回答。She deigned no reply.

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他不屑置辩。He disdained to argue.

他不屑于撒谎。He scorns to tell a lie.

您不屑赐予回答吗?Will you deign no answer?

骗子不吨甚至不屑。Scammers don t even bother.

她不屑于散布流言蜚语。She is above petty gossiping.

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一个伟大的人是不屑于阿谀奉承的。A great man is above flattery.

布德都不屑政研看我一眼。Budd won't even look me in the eye.

“哦,”天使不屑地说。"Oh, " said the angel dismissively.

他不屑于理会那侮辱。He disdained to reply to the insult.

当不屑和嗔怒挂上他的嘴唇!In the contempt and anger of his lip!

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他留在人们所不屑的地方。It stays in place loathed by all men.

她不屑理会所受的侮辱。She disdained replying to the insults.

那时你不屑于枯萎的玫瑰。Then, scorn the silly rose-wreath now.

他不屑与我们这等人同席而坐…He disdains to sit with people like us.

不屑于炫耀阔气。As it scorns flaunting one's prosperity.

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他不屑回答她的无礼的话语。He disdained to answer her rude remarks.

对他粗鲁的话语,她不屑反击。She disdains answering his rude remarks.

他不屑向自己的儿子请教。He disdained to turn to his son for advice.