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这个盆子是铁做的。This basin is made of iron.

我已经把那些细瓷盆子拿出来了。I've put out the nut dishes.

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但盛到盆子里就发现了端倪。Sung to the pot to find clues.

他们烤面包的盆子里有青蛙。They baked their bread with frogs in it.

请漱一下口,吐到盆子里。Rinse your mouth and spit into the basin.

盆子里的水可以用于宠物。The water in the bowl can be used for pets.

盆子和锅在厨房里碰击作响。Pots and pans were clattering in the kitchen.

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把美国挫败这个屎盆子扣到沃尔玛的头上,这是极端愚蠢的。To blame Wal-Mart for the failures of the US is silly.

把泥土放进盆子里,然后把盆子放在一只小碟子上。Fill the pot with soil and put the pot on a little plate.

水从天花板滴落到地板上的盆子里。Water dropped from the ceiling into the pan on the floor.

母亲往盆子里放进一些面粉,然后打几只鸡蛋搅拌进去。Mother put some flour in a bowl and then beat a few eggs in.

农夫带回一株红木小树苗,把它种在盆子里。Nung-fu brought home a redwood seedling and planted it in a pot.

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当植物茂盛了,你必须为他们换盆到大一点的盆子。As your plants flourish, you'll need to repot them in bigger pots.

克拉布有一个扁平的鼻子,补丁盆子一样的发型,还有猩猩般的手臂。Crabbe has a flat noe, pudding-bowl haircut, and gorilla-ish arms.

最近我发现它几天都不碰盛狗食的盆子。Recently, I found out he has not disturbed his dog dish of food in days.

两人将喜字剪成两半,放盆子里点火烧了。Both characters will be cut in half hi, put the basin point of it on fire.

于是,我连走带跑,蹲在盆子旁,把我的小手伸进盆子里那绿绿的水里。So, I run, squatting in the tub, put my hands into the green pot of water.

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爱漠搞来了一盆子通心面,拌着洋葱和切碎的罐头肉。Aymo had a basin of spaghetti with onions and tinned meat chopped up in it.

今天,神邀请你们拿起毛巾和盆子,去服事你们的邻舍。Today you are invited to pick up the towel and basin and serve your neighbor.

我家里在冬天经常把大葱栽在盆子里,以保持它的鲜嫩。My home in winter often put green onions planted in the basin to keep it fresh.