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花柱丝状,与花瓣等长。Style filiform , as long as petals.

花柱及柱头已经干掉。The style and stigma have dried out.

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子房半下位,有毛,花柱2。Ovary semi-inferior, hairy , styles 2.

花柱长约6毫米,被柔毛。Style grows about 6 millimeter, by fluff.

结果表明两种表型的花柱解剖结构相同。The anatomy of the two morphs was the same.

另一项传统是用丝带装饰一根花柱。Another is to decorate a maypole with ribbons.

姑娘们围着站朔节花柱轻快地跳起了舞。The girls danced lightly round about the maypole.

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浆果状的果,种子多数,具一宿存花柱。Fruit baccate, many-seeded, with a persistent style.

藏红花粉来源于番红花的三个花柱和花蕊。Saffron is the three stigmas and style of the crocus flower.

在花托和子房上面只剩下花柱。Only the styles are left sticking up from the receptacle and ovary.

在最常见的配子体系统中,不亲和的花粉管在花柱中破裂。In the commonest system, incompatible pollen tubes burst in the style.

两次的花柱2半裂,每分枝具一匙形的或头状柱头。Style twice 2- cleft, each branch with a spatulate or capitate stigma.

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在花柱的基部周围的坚果有毛的至少具粉状的小毛。Nut hairy at least with pulverulent minute hairs around base of styles.

但是当我想到战争时,我可不想围绕着五朔节花柱扎扎跳。But when I'm thinking about war, I don't want to prance around the Maypole.

花柱红色到杏黄,狭窄,约6厘米,基部贴生于退化雄蕊柱。Style red to apricot yellow, narrow, ca. 6 cm, base adnate to staminode column.

子房2室,胚珠多列,花柱丝状,柱头舌状扁平。Ovarian 2 rooms, ovule much line, style filiform, post tongue shape is compressed.

分叉的分为两部分或两枝的,如某些花的丫型花柱。Forked or divided into two parts or branches, as the Y-shaped styles of certain flowers.

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雄榕果内有可被牛奶榕授粉蜂产卵的短花柱雌花及产生花粉的雄花。In contrast, the male syconia are composed of male flowers and short-style female flowers.

缺乏钙沉淀颗粒的雄花花柱细胞迅速解体。In male flowers, style cells containing no calcium precipitation soon began to degenerate.

雌蕊花柱顶部,授粉时花粉被旋转于此。The receptive apex of the pistil of a flower, on which pollen is deposited at pollination.