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但是我对他们会心迹他们的行为持有怀疑态度。But I doubt they would change their behavior.

你的心迹将这书的空页存管。The vacant leaves thy mind's imprint will bear.

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从心迹到笔迹,纪录你的学习质量。From your heart to your pen, take note of your learning substances.

他振颤了一下,转身走开,不让儿子看见他眼里垂落的心迹。Trembling, he turns away to hide the falling evidence from his son.

会计惯例是基于习惯,并随着新发展的出现而心迹。They are based on custom and are subject to change as new developments arise.

在一篇坦白心迹的文章里,鲍嘉解释了自己为什么从不喜欢自己的母亲。Bogart explained, in a frank confessional article, why he never liked his mother.

有时我真想鼓起勇气表达我的心迹----我爱你。Sometiomes I really want to screw up my courage to bare my heart------I love you!

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看着这对祥静幸福的老人,心迹淡然了许多。This is being looked at old Xiang Jing, their minds a lot of things in their stride.

在一篇坦白心迹的文章里,鲍嘉解释了自己为什么从不喜欢自己的母亲。Bogart explained , in a frank confessional article , why he had never loved his mother.

凯瑟琳接受了埃德加的求婚并跟艾伦坦露心迹。Heathcliff runs away Catherine accepts Edgar's proposal and pours out her heart to Ellen.

表明他光明磊落的心迹和对典狱长女儿深深眷恋。Open and aboveboard in their minds that he and the daughter of a deep love of the governor.

但是我同样坚信,如果今天不向你表白心迹,我会抱憾终生。But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret for the rest of my life.

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每一次都会在心里默默地想着她,真的希望有机会能表白自己的心迹。Every heart silently want her, in really hope to have the chance to vindicate his palpitations.

此词咏梅,实际上是借梅花的品格自明心迹,自抒怀抱。The term Yongmei, in fact self-evident state of mind by plum character, since the express embrace.

不过,要是你听听他这封信里所说的话,那你就会心肠软一些,因为他这番表明心迹还算不错。But if you will listen to his letter, you may perhaps be a little softened by his manner of expressing himself.

不过,要是你听听他这封信里所说的话,那你就会心肠软一些,因为他这番表明心迹还算不错。It is from my cousin, Mr. Collins, who, when I am dead, may turn you all out of this house as soon as he pleases.

不论这对夫妇是否曾对他们的宾客这样坦陈心迹,对于他们来说,波尔加的提议几乎等同于羞辱。But there was also, whether they spoke this aloud to their guest or not, the sheer indignity of what Polgar was proposing.

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“我的政府将同时深化和加强与印度、中国的关系”,卡纳尔当选后旋即表露心迹。"My government will deepen and strengthen the relationship with both" India and China, Khanal said shortly after his election..

如果说作品是一个人的心迹的视觉显现,我更愿意把我的作品看成有着独立个性的存在之物。If one ' s works is the visualization of one ' s mind, I would rather consider my works as the existence with unique personality.

海边沙滩,刀锋护送胡畔,二人前行的路上,胡畔向刀锋标明了隐忍多年的心迹。The sea beach, the blade escort hu, on the second before the way to the bank, hu marked the trial of the blade for many years now.