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我在那里留恋徜徉。I linger there.

云之彼端,嘿,是谁在徜徉。I am here , where are you?

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明月伴君情徜徉。The moon accompany feeling.

我们都徜徉于同一片月光中。We all walk under the same moon.

夜晚他在杳无人迹的校园里四处徜徉。At night he roamed the deserted campus.

我们在蓓蒂花圃徜徉。Down in the Pettey Garden we're roving.

就让他人在新的游园中享受徜徉的欢乐吧。Let others delight mid new pleasures to roam.

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我们,曾是徜徉在那绿地上情侣。Where are the green fields, that we used to roam?

但愿我还可以再那片神奇的土地上徜徉!Ah, that I might again dwell in that enchanted land!

我颇喜欢在乡间独自徜徉。I am rather fond of a solitary stroll in the country.

让您的孩子徜徉于萧邦那纤细柔美、富于诗意的半乐世界�。Let your child be immersed in Chopin's fine and poetic music.

花枝烂漫,即便一人独自徜徉未觉寂寞。I never felt lonely while walked under the flower trees alone.

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它们以其感人的魅力,引领我们徜徉在返朴归真的精神世界里。They guide us to the original spiritual world by its charming.

他们从天空中飞下,或者攀登上建筑物,在那里留恋徜徉。They fly down from the sky or scale up the building and linger there.

动物们都徜徉在农场田野间,母鸡也都能在农场空地上啄食米榖或小虫。The animals were in the fields, and the hens were pecking in farmyard.

一天,在学校的图书馆里,我像往常一样在诗歌书架旁徜徉。One day i was browsing through the poety shelves at the school library.

双鱼则更为安静,更喜欢在自己的精神世界里面徜徉。Pisces is quieter, more involved in the shifting of their own mindscape.

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徜徉在蓝色多瑙河畔,尽享匈牙利的奢侈慢生活。Walking along the bank of Danube, enjoying the relaxing life of Hungary.

没有翅膀又怎样,花海中徜徉的爱就是天堂!What did not the wings, the display is in the beautiful paradise of love!

一座完全徜徉在人文与历史、生态的养生餐厅。A health restaurant wanders unhurriedly in culture, history, and oecology.