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他们没有汽车文化的积淀。They don't come from a car culture.

它是在适当的位置,经过时间积淀而唯一生成的。It is generated uniquely, in place, over time.

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我认为多宁顿也有丰富的赛车积淀。I think Donington has a lot of racing heritage.

不过,还是要为岁月积淀的智慧说几句。Still, there's something to be said for age-old wisdom.

这是经多年积淀才完成的东西,先睹为快!This is stuff for several years done the road. Sneak peak!

人生积淀,读万卷书,行万里路。Accumulation of life, traveling, reading ten thousand books.

因为我知道我现在积淀是在等待更大的机会!Because I know I accumulated is now waiting for more opportunity!

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石家庄的历史源远流长,文化积淀深厚。Shijiazhuang has a long history and profound cultural background.

嘉兴是一座有着浓厚文化积淀的历史名城。Jiaxing is a vintage town marinating in a thick cultural atmosphere.

走进灵岩寺,仿佛走进一座积淀丰厚的佛教博物馆,时光在这里停滞。The temple is like a Buddhism museum with rich history, where time freezes.

积淀在刑天神话中的干戚之舞,蕴含巫术宗教因素。Ganqi performance in Xingtian myth contained witchery and religious factors.

假以时日,你思想的积淀,就会变得丰厚。After days, the accumulated sediment of your thought will become munificence.

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扎兰屯最专业网站建设企业,10年技术积淀,精心设计每个作品!Hulunbuir professional web design company, 10 years experience in web design!

悠久的历史、灿烂的文化,积淀了丰富独特的人文景观。A long history and splendid culture, rich heritage of the unique human landscape.

中国与阿拉伯国家的合作具有深厚的历史积淀。The cooperation between China and Arab States has solid accumulations and depositions.

历史的积淀、长城的精华——司马台长城是旅游、探险、科考的绝好去处。Simatai Great Wall is the famous scenic spot for traveling, exploration and inspection.

磷化铟晶片比硅片需要更屡次的积淀和蚀刻。Phosphor changes indium chip to need more than silicon chip second precipitate and etch.

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巴楚文化深厚的历史积淀影响着刘禹锡的民歌体诗创作。The deep accumulation has influenced the creation of the poems of folk song by Liu Yuxi.

天水则是西北欠发达地区的典型代表城市,具有悠久的建城历史,浑厚的历史文化积淀。Tianshui, as the typical city in the area, has long city history and thick civilizations.

巴西文化源远流长,积淀厚重。其内涵体现在人文历史上,是多元而多彩的。Baxi culture has a long history and its connotation shows pluralistic features in humanities.