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至于盐币,则是构成云南货币经济的原素之一。The salt money constructed one of Yunnan money.

作品原素来自她出生房子内的八个房间。The raw materials are eight rooms in the house of her birth.

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你觉得哪个原素会最影响你到百佳购物?。Which elements do you think will affect you the most buy in ParknShop?

这种改革,或说改造的构成原素为何?What does this reformation, so to speak, ? or transformation consist of?

限制的生命透过怎样并且适应极端外部生命和无生命的原素?How is life limited by and adapted to extreme external biotic and abiotic factors?

奇妙的是,一个民族的诗意是它进步的原素。It is an admirable thing that the poetry of a people is the element of its progress.

分裂一个重原素的原子核,会释放出很大的能量。If the nucleus of an atom of a heavy element is split, a large amount of energy is released.

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这次展覧里的新作品比旧作摆放了更多多元文化影响下的原素,令色彩层次更感丰富。The new works of this exhibition contains multicultural motifs, which make the works more colorful.

有些原素和化合物的溶解度取决于其氧化还原能力和。The solubility of some elements and compounds is dependent upon the redox potential and pH of their environment.

这是海报伸延成动态的15秒电视广告,有联系起原素,海报与这电视广告三方的作用。This is the 15-second TVC which turns the static concept of the nine elements into a visual-rich and dynamic one.

象有毒的环境污染物这样的完全不同的原素,空气污染和对医学药的暴露被检查。Such diverse factors as toxic environmental contaminants, air pollution, and exposure to medical drugs are examined.

通过PL分析认为载流子浓度的变化与P原素缺失有关。Through PL spectroscopy, we consider the increasing of n-type carriers' concentration attributed to phosphorus vacancies.

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成为的原素的原因然后被分析,随后有象对抗,连续和菌根一样的相互作用的描述。Causative factors are then analyzed, followed by descriptions of interactions like antagonism, succession, and mycorrhiza.

要决是明白自己身体的功能,只供给它必需的原素而避免吸取对它没有好处的东西。The key is to understand how your body functions, provide it only with what it needs and stay away from what does it harm.

一些角色扮演的邮递式游戏会包含著游戏者可以以自由文字的形式描述角色的行动的原素。Some role playing PBM games also include an element whereby the player may describe actions of their characters in a free text form.

录像在我的装置内往往能加强空间的层次感和活的原素,装置雕塑的方法用在录像制作上,则为我提供了建立个人语言的出路。Video can add image layers and lively feeling to my installation. Sculptural method can help me to develop the visual language of my video.

它检查肥胖症的流行病学,在肥胖症里的行为的原素,社会文化原素和环境原素的角色。It examines the epidemiology of obesity, the role of behavioural factors, socio-cultural factors and environmental factors in the obesity epidemic.

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这卷位址题目的宽范围从诊断,事业,治疗,流行病学,遗传学,危险原素那里射程为,和关心和管理。This volume addresses the broad spectrum of topics ranging from diagnosis, causes, treatment, epidemiology, genetics, risk factors, and care and management.

因而人们就设想原子是不可毁灭的,而物质世界中的一切变化便仅仅是持久不变的原素的重新排列而已。Accordingly it was supposed that atoms are indestructible, and that all change in the physical world consists merely in re-arrangement of persistent elements.

健康被生物学的原素确定到什麽程度,就社会原素来说,和更基本上,透过在这两个之间的相互作用的第一部分位址。Section one addresses to what extent health is determined by biological factors, by social factors, and more fundamentally, by the interaction between the two.