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他的脚底板被殴打,还得了哮喘。The soles of his feet were beaten.

而就在那个时候开始殴打。And that's when the beatings began.

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他遭一伙暴徒殴打。He was done over by a gang of thugs.

她用胳臂挡住他的殴打。She received his blows with her arms.

他们用拳头互相殴打。They went at each other with their fists.

他们残暴地殴打她,把她的牙齿全部敲落。They beat her and knocked all her teeth out.

殴打比自己弱的人是一种残忍的表现。To hit a weaker person is a sign of cruelty.

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他回想起她曾怎样殴打了丽妲·苏尔白。He recalled how she had assaulted Rita Sohlberg.

库尔班企图逃走,被拦住殴打。KuErBan attempted to escape, was stopped beating.

与时间因杜拉因是很少能够予以殴打。Against the clock Indurain could rarely be beaten.

涉嫌殴打通话钢厂总经理致死的嫌犯在长春被捕。China detains chief suspect in steel exec's death.

尸体上也有被殴打的痕迹,他证实。There were also marks from beatings, he confirmed.

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他大怒,挥起双拳殴打沃勒。He got mad and pitched into Waller with both fists.

他们还防火焚烧了曹公馆并殴打了章宗祥。They set fire to Cao's residence and beat up Zhang.

鱼类是最好的殴打或面包之前,油炸。Fish is best battered or breaded just before frying.

最初是作为一双截棍殴打杂草农具。Nunchucks originated as a farm tool for beating weeds.

用打蛋机殴打,直至震动是顺利和泡沫。Beatwithan egg beater untiltheshake is smooth and foamy.

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无论他们因任何原因分开监房都会遭到警卫的殴打。Guards beat them when they left their cells for any reason.

您将有殴打该船厂和杀害人人有。You'll have to assault the boatyard and kill everyone there.

一位73岁的女人在学校健身房被一个学生殴打。A 73-year old woman is attacked by a student in a school gym.