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你丫拉屎穿裤衩呀!You shit to wear underpants!

设想你没有输掉裤衩会怎样?What if you don’t lose your ass?

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月亮穿起了她们的裤衩。The moon put on their underpants.

人们叫它“小裤衩”。People call it "small underpants".

哦,是著名的“大裤衩”吗?Oh, is that famous “big underpants”?

老百姓戏称它是“大裤衩”。People called it as “The Big Pant ”.

他说他那次就是穿的这个大裤衩。He said I was wearing the boxes he pooped in.

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难道只有超人才能把裤衩穿在外边吗?Exceed person ability to wear underpants outside only?

出门也不知道穿条裤衩!Goes out did not know that puts on the strip underpants!

这是中国只是试一试他们的新裤衩的大小。This is China just trying their new britches on for size.

我不费吹灰之力弄到了这种绵软舒适的裤衩。i got this sort of comfortable soft shorts with no efforts.

后来,她们都嫁给了那些偷走她们裤衩的鱼。Afterward, they married give these to steal away their underpants' fish.

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裤衩下面的空洞可以安装风车发电。In the hole of the “underpants, ” several wind turbines will generate electricity.

我感到另一个人也靠了过来,伸手解开我的皮带,把我的裤子连裤衩一起都扯了下来。I felt somebody else reach around and unbuckle my belt, then rip my pants and underwear down.

那些在发廊门口,穿着裤衩背心的人可能是有钱的主吗?Are those people dressed in shorts and singlets in front of hair salons likely to be rich customers?

你真可悲,你狼奔豕突,你会挺曩昔的,回家吧,穿上你的大裤衩打个盹吧!You are beaten down. You will get through this, come home, get in your big underpants and take a nap.

因此可以对双炉膛的风烟系统加设一个负反馈操作,使裤衩腿维持平衡。Thus additional negative feedback control is necessary to keep the bed inventory balance between the legs.

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基本上你得在家重演办公室的痛苦,只不过在你踱来踱去的时候身上穿着的是裤衩和T恤。Basically you need to recreate the pain of an office, whilst wandering around in your underpants and a Che Guevara T-shirt.

库哈斯的那个东西被一些北京市民称为大裤衩,它的确类似于横跨整个华北平原的一条巨大的短裤。It's called the Big Shorts by some Beijingers, and it does indeed resemble a massive pair of short pants striding across the North China Plain.

分析了裤衩型钢煤斗外形的几何特点,建立了裤衩型钢煤斗漏斗表面的数学模型,分析了曲面展开的算法。This paper analyzes the geometric features of the trousers type steel scuttle, sets up the mathematics model of the funnel surface of this scuttle.