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独身者赚得家庭是比较不通常。Single earner households are less common.

你不可能买入了热门股,而且还能赚得很多。You can't buy what's popular and do well.

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虽然工作使你赚得钞票,你却期待我做每一件事。But then you expect me to do every. thing else.

那时候每个人都想着去那里淘金,赚得很多的钱。where everyone came out to make millions on gold.

他们计划着把他们两个人赚得的钱凑起来建立一个家庭。They had planned to pool their earnings to start a home.

我们还是面对现实吧,现在很少有酒店赚得金银满钵。Let´s face it, few hotels are flush with money right now.

把牙敲掉比装上赚得多。It pays me better to knock teeth out him than put them in.

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这甚至可能比焦糖玉米还有助于赚得名声。That may be a better claim to fame than even caramel corn.

这一百万赚得钱归我,你意下如何?The profit from this million will be mine. Would you mind?

他急急地炒股票,一点钱也没赚得。He earned no money for investing into stock market urgently.

他急急地炒股票,一点钱也没赚得。He had hurried to speculate on stocks, but had made no money.

戴维·莱特曼赚得比一个学校老师多这么多?That David Letterman makes that much more than a school teacher?

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这一百万赚得钱归我,你意下如何?The profit from this million will often be mine. Would you mind?

排除与收购相关的费用,它赚得47分每股。Excluding acquisition-related costs, it earned 47 cents per share.

政客们赚得盆满锅满,但工作机会越来越少,工厂纷纷倒闭。Politicians prospered – but the jobs left, and the factories closed.

但是有另一位法官,比桑德拉·戴·奥康纳赚得多的多。But there's another judge who makes a lot more than Sandra Day O'Connor.

“茱丽-皮特”家族单靠独家照就已经赚得了数百万美元。Exclusive photos of the Jolie-Pitt can have fetched millions of dollars.

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人就是赚得全世界、赔上了自己的生命、有甚麽益处呢。What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?

她在9岁时开始在一家砖厂上工,每周只能赚得几美分。At 9, she said, shebegan working in a brick factory for a few cents a week.

可是,要是他真是那么聪明,那我的工作怎么比他的好,我怎么钱比他赚得多?But if he's all that smart, how come I have a better job and make more money?