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“好吧,我来告诉你们,”马克。土温说。"Well, I will tell you, "said Mark Twain.

宵禁后从磨蹭的少年那儿听个故事,他的故事能让马克土温自愧不如。Greet a tardy teenager after curfew for a yarn that puts Mark Twain to shame.

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美国的幽默大师和现实主义作家马克·土温,被认为是一个世界文学巨匠。Mark Twain, a mastermind of humor and realism, is seen as a giant in world literature.

那本马可土温写的书深受世界各地青年学生的欢迎。The book written by Mark Twain is very popular with the young students all over the world.

分析了土温随时间、空间而变化的规律。The regular patterns of soil temperature changes with the time and lo-cations are analysed.

消散随土温增加,随土壤剖面变深而减少。Dissipation increased with soil temperature and decreased with increasing depth in the soil profile.

杰克逊演唱的是流行音乐,雪妮·土温演唱的是乡村音乐,塞琳·迪翁好像唱什么都很得体。Janet Jackson is more pop music. Shania sings country music. Celine just seems to hit all the right notes.

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温度,尤其是当土温低,可能减少土壤有效钾和植物对其吸收的地方。Temperature, especially where low soil temperature may reduce available soil K and its absorption by plants.

最著名的作家之一马克·土温以及伟大的喜剧演员查理·卓别林都在8年级之前就退了学。Mark Twain, one of our most famous writers, and Charlie Chaplin, the great movie comedian, dropped out of school before 8th grade.

另外,海德堡也是一个值得去的地方,马克·土温把这里称作他到过最美的地方,歌德也曾经八次把这里定为约会地点。In addition, Heidelberg is also a place worth going, Mark Twain, here as he had been to the most beautiful place, Goethe also once eight here as the rendezvous.

起高垄、覆地膜,提高土温,增加热土层厚度,白天不通气或尽量少通气方法加温。Or through high ridge in a field, covering terra, increasing the temperature of earth, increasing the thickness of dust and frowst in the day time can all be the methods of toting temperature.

采用盖草及结合翻耕、免耕等保护性措施,并未明显导致低土温,且有利于蓄积降水,气候持续干旱时也有好的保水作用。Straw mulch and combine with the measures of ploughing and no-tillage would not lead lower soil temperature and avail to store precipitation water, keep soil moisture in continual drought time.