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我替你放哨。I sentry for you.

他们常常在雪夜放哨。They often stood sentry on snowy nights.

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你知道你该去放哨的命令吗?Do you know the order that you keep watch ?

如果你想试试,我可以帮你放哨。I can stand guard if you want to give it a try.

这几袋行李很容易就塞进了放哨车的后备箱。It isl fit easily into the trunk of the cruiser.

派了两个学生放哨。Two students were assigned to stand sentry duty.

他告诉他老头儿安塞尔莫放哨的地方。He told him where the old man, Anselmo, was posted.

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我拿着枪站在河岸上放哨。I stood guard with a rifle on the bank of the river.

士兵们在所有通向宫殿的路口放哨。Soldiers were guarding all approaches to the palace.

然后斯派茨小睡了一会儿。小鸟为它站岗放哨,防止狗跑过来。Then spats took a catnap, and the bird looked out for dogs.

在战争期间他们通常在树顶上放哨。They used to keep watch at the top of the tree during the war.

谢谢你的茶,我接着放哨,你回去暖和暖和吧。Thanks for the tea. I'll finish the watch. You get back in the warm.

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放哨的人急忙跑进屋里说,警察就在外面。The watchman rushed into the room to say that the police were outside.

另外一个,握着一把指挥刀,头上戴一顶警察的蓝帽子,在派人放哨。Another, with a naked sword, a blue police cap on his head, placed sentinels.

墨西哥官员表示,嫌疑人交待,曾为犯罪团伙放哨。Mexican officials said the suspect had confessed to being a lookout for the gang.

可是每次农民收割小麦的时候都有人在这放哨警戒吗?Are there people picketing against farmers every time they cut down a bushel of corn?

但小基奥通常总是放哨,看见父亲来了就大声叫喊。But usually little Keogh used to keep nix and call out when he saw her father coming.

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巴古里位于公园的西部地区,守卫莫尼拉姆·陶比需要在这里整夜放哨。Guard Moniram Togbi keeps watch through the night in Baguri, the park's western district.

他们一个个轮流放哨,坐在最高的橡树上,望着王宫里的高塔。One after the other of them kept watch, sitting atop the highest oak tree and looking toward the tower.

“我想还是我来放哨吧,如果你都累得睡着了的话。”赫敏冷冷地说。"I think I'd better take over the watch if you're so tired you're falling asleep, " said Hermione coldly.