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那是一次严重的失策。This was a big mistake.

这样做非常失策。It was a very unwise move.

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这会导致重大的失策。That can lead to major missteps.

失策暗示了一个更深层次的问题。The flubs signal a deeper problem.

他很狡诈,但有时也会失策。He's very artful but sometimes miscarries.

触怒能帮助你的人是失策的。It is impolitic to offend people who can help you.

触怒能帮助你的人是很失策的。It is impolitic to offend people who can help you.

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她竞选活动的其它失策已经要被包装成受到了人身攻击。Her campaign’s other error has been to make personal attacks.

国际上的证据也表明了凯恩斯主义思想的失策。International evidence also undermines the case for Keynesianism.

“这对俱乐部做出正确的决策,从根本上来讲是失策的。”他说。"It's down basically to the club to make the right decision," he said.

在其最近一个财季中,这两大失策之举让它流失了80万名用户。Those two faux-pas helped cost it 800, 000 customers in its most recent quarter.

这个失策让地下仪器禁受了一次雷电的破坏。The blunder made the underground instrument undergo an undermining of the thunderbolt.

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这个失策让地下仪器经受了一次雷电的破坏。The blunder made the underground instrument undergo an undermining of the thunderbolt.

但后来的事实表明,这是一个极大的失策,给可口可乐造成了巨大的经济损失。But the fact later makes clear, this is a huge impolitic, caused huge pecuniary loss to Coke Cola.

他训练有素,满腹经纶,假如他参与任何争论,不至于失策犯错。If he engages in controversy of any kind, his disciplined intellect preserves him form the blunder.

但马凯硕对西方过于冷嘲热讽,却未指责亚洲本身的失策。Still, Mahbubani heaps too much scorn on the West without taking Asia to task for its own missteps.

但马格努松说,央行和其他部门近几年来还出现了其它监管失策。But there were other regulatory failures by the central bank and other authorities in recent years, Mr.

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而政府和民间救荒的不力或失策使灾荒救治的效果大打折扣,导致一系列严重的社会问题。Inefficiency and missteps shrunk the effect of famine relief, and resulted in a series of serious social problems.

但马格努松说,央行和其他部门近年来还出现了其它监管失策。But there were other regulatory failures by the central bank and other authorities in recent years, Mr. Magnusson says.

在战术运用方面,防守战术安排失策,缺乏攻击性,针对性不强。In the application of tactics, the arrangement of the defending tactics was unwise, lack of aggressiveness and pertinence.