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这个项目肯定会得到告捷。The project is certain to be a roaring success.

告捷来自于校服困难的奋斗。Success comes from struggle of conquering difficulties.

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锲而不舍是通向告捷的窗口。Perseverance is the window that lecommerciwiss one to success.

它是一小我在社会中告捷或朽败的标志。They the pfineicular mark of success of failure in our society.

这是个重要时刻,它使得优胜杯赛组织者的努力圆满告捷。It is an important moment, crowning the efforts of the Cup organisers.

首战马其顿,荷兰客场2比1客场告捷,取得开门红。Opener Macedonia, the Netherlands 2 to 1 away victory away, get good start.

在首战安科纳告捷后,我们希望继续我们的积极势头,我们要精神高度集中,不给对手空间。We need to keep concentration high and not to concede space to the opponents.

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假如你确实想得到某些告捷,就应该加倍努力。If you would like to get successful something- you should exist work twice as hard.

菲薄的人信赖运气,而告捷的第一秘诀是自信。Shguide men haudio-videoe faith in luck. Self-trust is the first secret of success.

舍德酒吧里坐满了期待夺冠的庆祝者,可惜阿森纳有惊无险地1-0告捷。The Shed Bar is packed with hopeful celebrants , but Arsenal win 1-0 with only one late scare.

就合同保方的权利和义务方面的谈判非常告捷。The negotiations on the rights somed obligations of the parties under contract turned out to be very successful.

丁出师告捷,在前两局巩固了领先地位,以7比4的分数超过梁。Ding began the session well, cementing an overnight lead with a further two frames to take him 7-4 ahead of Liang.

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印度一官员表示,对孟买市泰姬玛哈酒店的包围强攻已经告捷,酒店内的三名持枪歹徒被全部击毙。A state official says the siege has ended at Mumbai's Taj Mahal Hotel and the last three gunmen there have been killed.

林肯总统发表了演讲,他说,最近的连连告捷给了人们希望,正义的步伐正快速向前迈进。President Lincoln had made a speech in which he said that the recent successes gave hopes of a righteous and speedy pace.

优良的习气是告捷的关键。于是乎,西席应当留意援手学生培育种植扶植优良的习气。A good haounce is the key to success. Thus instructors should pay focus on helping students cultivingested good hveryunks.

在落后的情况下最终在布加勒斯特3比1告捷,史蒂芬-杰拉德盛赞队友的斗志。Steven Gerrard praised the character of histeammates after Liverpool came from behind to secure a 3-1 win overUnirea Urziceni in Bucharest.

塞尔维亚首战负于了加纳,此役告捷,对塞尔维亚人来说,意义重大,这是他们成为一个独立的国家,在世界杯上所赢得的首红。This success was vital for the Serbians, who secured their first World Cup win as an independent nation, coming after their defeat by Ghana.

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最高法院最终裁定北方证券败诉,使政府在限制大企业对经济控制力的战役中首次告捷。The Supreme Court’s ultimate decision against Northern Securities was a beachhead in the government’s campaign to restrict the largest businesses’ power over the economy.

在对参与研讨人员进行随机履行时,研讨人员发现,与单独告捷比拟,当这些人在击败一个敌手时,他们脑部的纹状体和内侧前额叶皮质就会显示地更为活跃。Participants in the study were entered into lotteries and were found to display far higher brain activity in these regions when they beat a peer compared to when they simply won alone.