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制的咸菜,暖胃,暖心。The pickles, warm stomach, warm heart.

我妈怀我的时候,常吃咸菜。My mother when I am pregnant, eat pickles.

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奶奶最爱吃红果儿淹渍的咸菜。Grandma loved haw-pickled cabbage the most.

他喜欢吃白饭配咸菜。He likes to have rice and pickles for meals.

在更长的时间才能咸菜它,更将是美味。The longer to pickle it, the more delicious it would be.

谁都不想看见对方穿着破洞颓丧的牛仔裤、皱巴巴的咸菜干衬衫来赴约吧!No one likes to date someone in ragged jeans and a wrinkled shirt.

德国酸菜,韩国泡菜,日本味噌,咸菜,陈醋。Sauerkraut, kimchee, miso, you name it pickles, wined aged vinegar.

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这坛子老汤下次腌咸菜时还可以用,不要倒掉。This jar of old marinade can be used next time. Don't pour it away.

我问她,张阿姨,你家还淹咸菜吗?I ask her, Aunt Zhang, your family also floods the brined vegetable?

清口菜一般都是豆腐、青菜、罗十、咸菜佛手等。Lightening dishes are usually ten tofu, vegetables, pickles bergamot, etc.

第三、如今的耳塞咸菜虽然比以前的有不少进步。Third, today's ear pickle than before although there are a lot of progress.

忌食葱、蒜、鱼、虾、羊肉、竹笋、咸菜、辣椒、酒类。Jishi onions, garlic, fish, shrimp, mutton, asparagus, pickles, peppers, wine.

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吃的是冻成了冰块的玉米面饽饽夹咸菜,就着雪吃下去。Our food was frozen corn bread with salted vegetables, and snow was our drink.

陈先生说,其实像咸菜、豆腐乳这类食品,也要少吃。Chen said, in fact, like pickles, fermented bean curd such foods, but also eat less.

大凡合钠多的食物,包括咸菜、咸肉、腐乳等,应在限制之列。A more fitting sodium foods, including the pickle, bacon, fermented bean curd, should limit.

每年夏天母亲都要腌大量咸菜到冬天食用。Every summer, mother puts up a large quantity of vegetables for us to eat during the winter.

他说,他宁愿吃咸菜,也要省下钱来买烟抽。He said that he would rather eat pickled vegetables, to save money to buy cigarettes smoking.

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中午可能稍微丰富一点儿,有大米饭、鱼、肉、咸菜和西红柿等。At noon, maybe a little bit richer, and there is rice, fish, meat, pickles and tomatoes and so on.

看到孩子们带着的一罐罐盐巴腌制的咸菜丝,这位乡村教师出身的县长心里一阵泛酸。Noticing the full jars of pickles they had with them, Chen, once a village teacher, was distraught.

咸菜在当时是家常菜,肉和水果只能在过节时才能吃上一些。Pickles were common dishes while meat and fruits were rare year round, except during some festivals.