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绯闻情侣神木与瞳是一对吗?Is Y2J a couple in the making?

达芙将于10月5日开始她的“绯闻”之旅。Duff begins her "Gossip" arc on Oct. 5.

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这就是我们分享香烟和绯闻是非的地方。It’s where we shared cigarettes and gossip.

曾与你上司的妻子有过绯闻。You had an affair with a superior officer's wife.

传递好消息——但不要传递绯闻。Pass on some good news -- but don't pass on gossip.

问她会否买礼物送给绯闻男友郭富城?When asked if she would give some gifts to Guo Fucheng?

两人曾于08年传出绯闻,但范冰冰一直否认这段恋情。There was gossip about the two in 2008, which Fan denied.

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问她手机内可有曾传绯闻的汪小菲电话及照片?Asked her phone may have been rumored Wang Fei phone and photos?

我们能随便联系人或是像野火一样快地传播绯闻。We can connect with anyone and spread gossip as fast as wild fire.

绯闻博客帝国Gawker,已经开始解雇blogger了。Gawker, a gossip-blog empire, has already begun laying off bloggers.

威廉被传与许多女孩子有过绯闻,她们中许多都来自马球俱乐部。William has been linked to a number of girls, many from the polo set.

布吕尼是好友,她否认自己与摩纳哥王子之间有绯闻。Bruni is a friend, she denied his affair between the Prince of Monaco.

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乌鸦乐团的主唱亚当·杜里兹曾经和考克斯和安尼斯顿都传出过绯闻。Counting Crows lead singer Adam Duritz was linked to both Cox and Aniston.

市长和那个著名的女演员传出了绯闻。There is a rumoured relationship between the famous actress and the mayor.

晓治当年被指纵欲,特别是与荷里活电影女星的绯闻。Hughes was also known as a womaniser, especially with Hollywood film stars.

记者们一路纠缠追问这位摇滚明星最近的绯闻。The reporters badgered the rock star with questions about his latest romance.

我不知道怎样用英语来写你的绯闻,这是最令我不开心的。I don't know how to write your pink news in English, which upsets me the most.

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今年早些时候这位24岁的球员就和红军传起了绯闻。The 24-year-old was strongly linked with a move to Merseyside earlier this year.

这件英国绯闻是凯文居家男人形象在公众面前的第一个污点。The British imbroglio was the first public smudge on Costner's family-man image.

即使绯闻对象也都是富翁或是一线男星。Although red hears an object, also be moneybags or it is male star of a gleam of.