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小数向下取整。Fractions are rounded down.

常用对数的小数部分。The fractional part of a logarithm.

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哪道题的商是无限小数?Which quotients are infinite decimals?

你先学习分数,然后,学习小数。You do fractions, then you do decimals.

我继续打印一个小数字。I go ahead and print out a small number.

由这个小数位引出的差距却是巨大的。The resulting difference is significant.

计算指定小数的整数部分。Calculates the integral part of a number.

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小数0.63的末位数是循环的。The last figure of the decimal 0.63 repeats.

小数更为准确,但不标准。Decimals are more precise but not as standard.

将十进位值舍入为指定的小数位数。Rounds a decimal value to the nearest integer.

计算任何功能点多达12个小数。Calculate any function point up to 12 decimals.

多个小数分隔符会导致截断。Multiple decimal separators result in truncation.

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认识有限小数和无限小数。Recognizee finite decimals and infinite decimals.

等级指示所有小数位的个数。The scale gives the total number of decimal places.

如何更改打印结果小数部分的有效位数?How to modify the decimal when printing the results?

难道它们不就是为了小数计算而生的么?Aren't calculating decimal are what they are design for?

明显的例外是小数和整数类型。The notably exceptions are the decimal and integer type.

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它能够显示ASCII的数据,小数,十六进制和八进制格式。It can display data in ASCII, decimal, hex, and octal formats.

印出我持有十三如最初的小数。The printout I possessed showed four nine as foremost decimals.

下面哪道题的商是有限小数?Do the following problems. Which quotients are finite decimals ?