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这间精舍是主人的卧房。This nice room is the owner's bedroom.

我想租一个双卧房的公寓。I'm interested in a 2-bedroom apartment.

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这张床就占掉了杰克卧房的大半空间。The bed occupied most of Jack's bedroom.

这是凡尔赛宫里一个稍简朴的卧房A little modest bedroom there in Versailles.

她妩媚地瞅瞅他,两个人蹑手蹑脚进了她的卧房。She ogles at him and they tiptoe to her bedroom.

睡在用泥灰与石头盖成的单人卧房中。In the one bathroom house made of plaster and stone.

琳达的哥哥此刻正在他的卧房里看电视机。Linda's brother is watchellong TV in hellos bedroom now.

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但是把女孩偷离她的卧房又能怎么样呢?What use was it to smuggle the girl out of her bedchamber?

这家酒店的所有卧房里都有一个小冰箱,电话和收音机。All the hotel's bedrooms have a mini-bar, telephone and radio.

如何布置出一个典雅的中式卧房呢?How to decorate the Chinese style bedchamber that gives an elegance?

当我们到了她的卧房时,我永远不会忘记她演了怎样的一场戏,真的把我吓坏了——我以为她要疯了,我就求约瑟夫快跑去请大夫。I thought she was going mad, and I begged Joseph to run for the doctor.

王获楠冲出了卧房,连裤子和鞋都没穿。He rushed out of his bedroom without even putting on his pants or shoes.

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我问他们我可不可以叫女仆带我到卧房去!I inquired whether I might call the maid, and be conducted to a bedroom?

翁山苏姬让他呆在楼下的房间里,而她自己则住在楼上的卧房里。She gave him a ground-floor room while she stayed in her bedroom upstairs.

“楼上大人的卧房前有更多的守卫,”席恩警告她。"There are more guards upstairs atm'lord's bedchamber, " Theon warned her.

凯瑟琳带着紧张的热切神情,盯着她卧房的门口。With straining eagerness Catherine gazed towards the entrance of her chamber.

但是阿利还是打开了卧房的们,挥手示意席恩和女人们进去。But Alyn unlocked the door to the bedchamber, and Theon waved the women through.

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老人被安排在后面的卧房里,里面有厕所和淋浴。Nana and Poppy get the bedroom in the back, which is where the toilet and shower are.

不过,在选择卧房盆栽时,应避免选用太高的植物。Nevertheless, when choice bedchamber is potted, should avoid to choose too expensive plant.

似的,有两间卧房,这比力利便。另有,客堂比我原先想的要大。Yes, it has two bedrooms. That's convenient. Bnd the living room is larger than I expected.