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第三,“尝试游击战术”。Third, "Try guerilla tactics."

游击女郎本身的名称也是一种扭曲的讽刺。The name Guerilla Girl also has a twist of irony.

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国家的首领是久负盛名的游击英雄,那一年是1993年。Its leader was a lionized guerilla hero. The year was 1993.

克制与重复是游击营销的两个最佳拍档。Restraint and repetition are two great allies of the guerrilla.

魂斗罗”是指具有崇高战斗精神和掌握极高游击战略的人。Contra "is a master of the fighting spirit and guerrilla tactics."

原因之一是因为越共使用游击战术。One reason for this is because the Viet Cong were using guerrilla tactics.

塔利班仍然是有的,但他们只进行游击战术了。The Taliban still are there, but they only carry out guerilla tactics now.

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塔利班更聪明,他们开展武装游击冲突的历史更长久。The Taliban are smarter, and have a longer history of armed guerilla conflict.

衙里,因明、清时有太湖营游击衙署设在此而得名。Yali , the Ming and Qing at a guerrilla camp in Taihu Lake in this Yashu named.

我是贝尔格莱德游击的支持者,但是我的心也支持瓦伦西亚和马德里。I am a Partizan supporter, but my heart is split up between Valencia and Madrid.

蓝牙劫持多用于宣传广告游戏的游击营销活动。Bluejacking has been used in guerrilla marketing campaigns to promote advergames.

亚斯帕塔长矛骑兵擅长伏击敌军,以及使用游击战术中与对手周旋。Generally Aspatak spear cavalry were used for hit and run attacks and ambushing the enemy.

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退役后他执教过萨尔兹堡,贝尔格莱德游击者,匈牙利国家队。He has since had spells in charge of Salzburg, Partizan Belgrade and the Hungary national team.

他们自称为“游击式编织”或者“毛线轰炸”,起源于美国。They call this stuff "guerilla knitting" or "yarn bombing", and it originally comes from the USA.

泰利突骑兵装备标枪,通常轻装上阵,极擅游击战术。Armed with a javelin and most often fighting unarmoured , their preferred tactic is to hit and run.

塞尔维亚轻骑兵装备链甲、盾牌、骑枪和长剑,以高度机动游击战术闻名于世。Renown for their hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword.

游击女郎是一群为性别和种族平等而战斗的匿名女性艺术家。The Guerilla Girls are a group of anonymous women activists fighting for gender and racial equality.

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波罗的海作战单位在反游击作战中得到了德国指挥官的高度评价。Baltic units were highly prized by German commanders for their expertise in counter-partisan warfare.

红星力压游击夺得联赛冠军,不过克罗地亚的球会已经提前退出。Red Star won the Yugoslav championship ahead of Partizan, yet the Croatian clubs had already withdrawn.

多数游击女郎的工作是依靠她们自己的形象,在你在观看事情时,把注意力集中地转移到她们身上。Much of the Guerilla Girls' work depends on images that make you shift your focus when looking at things.