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权力属于拥有主权者。Power inheres in the sovereign.

于955年收回全部主权。Full sovereignty was restored in 955.

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在日本主权操在国民手里。In Japan authority is vested in the people.

今天,我想跟大家聊聊关于主权的一些东西。But today, I want to talk about sovereignty.

摩洛哥是个有主权的独立君主国。Morocco is a sovereign independent monartery.

神的主权和人的自由能相容吗?How can God be sovereign and man still be free?

你必须顺服耶稣基督的主权。You must submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ.

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边界是主权国家领土分界线。Border is the domain boundary between sovereignties.

我不做威胁、我信守诺言,因为我是你们的主权者。I make no threats I keep Promises AS YOUR SOVEREIGN.

投资者似乎在主权债务问题上尚未下定决心。Investors seem to be in two minds on sovereign debt.

这是行使主权的正常活动。This is a normal activity of exercising sovereignty.

的主权债券市场一片混乱。The euro-denominated sovereign bond market is a mess.

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拉科塔已经重生为一个自由与主权独立的国家!Lakota has been reborn as a free and sovereign nation!

一些针对主权信用违约掉期的市场改革是必要的。Some reform of the market for sovereign CDSs is needed.

中国对南沙群岛拥有不可争辩的主权。China holds indisputable sovereignty over Nansha Island.

希腊是首先将出现主权债务违约的国家。Greece is the first of other sovereign defaults to come.

葡萄牙统治中国澳门达四百年之久,中国政府于1999年对澳门恢复行使主权。Portugal ruled China's Macao region for about 400 years.

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首先,以西结得到神的异象,并认识神的主权。Firstly, Ezekiel had a vision of God and His sovereignty.

法国兴业银行的主权债券的购买情况是有争议的。SocGen's case for buying sovereign bonds is controversial.

人的权利,人民的主权,活见鬼!The Rights of Man, the sovereignty of the people, sapristi!