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我觉得憋气。I feel suffocated.

我觉得胸闷憋气。My chest feels rather tight.

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你能在水下憋气多久?How long can you hold your breath?

和那些面无表情的人一起工作真让人憋气。I feel choked to work with those deadpans.

和那些面无表情的人在一起任务真让人憋气。You feel choked to stay dawn these deadpans.

和那些面无神色的人在一路工作真让人憋气。You feel choked to work with those deadpans.

这是最让人丧气和憋气的地方。That will be most exasperating and discouraging.

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这项练习对耐力和憋气的要求极为大。This requires tremendous discipline and breath control.

如果你有高血压请勿憋气。Do not hold your breath if you have high blood pressure.

经过一天的休息,他发觉他憋气的时间比过去增加了十个数。A day's rest, he discovered, had improved his count by ten.

呼气和憋气交互进行,头脑也可以变平静。The mind also becomes tranquil by alternately expelling and retaining the breath.

她在令人疲劳的工作中感到憋气,希望能有更大的自由去实现她的理想。She feels boxed in at the fatiguing work and wishes greater freedom to develop her ideas.

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甚至在一些高级游泳选手中,也有不少喜欢在水下憋气游。Even amongst advanced swimmers, quite a few like to hold onto their breath under the water.

将腹部尽量吸进,但要继续进行正常呼吸,不要憋气。Abdomen drawing as far as possible, but keeping carrying on eupnea, doing not feel suffocated.

目的探讨单纯鼾症、憋气型鼾症与脑梗死的关系。Objectives To study in the relationship between cerebral infarction and simple snore and apneic snore.

当淀粉样变侵袭心脏,最常见的症状是呼吸急促,甚至轻微运动就会喘促憋气。When amyloidosis affects your heart, a common symptom is shortness of breath, even with slight exertion.

它所散发的浓郁香味,会使一些人产生郁闷不适、憋气与呼吸困难。It circulated rich fragrance will make some people might not have, feel suffocated and breathing difficulties.

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还有很多调息法的其他技巧例如吸气4次、憋气4次并出气4次。There are many, many different techniques of pranayama such as inhaling for 4, holding for 4 and exhaling for 4.

在这周的尾声,他也试图打破水中憋气九分钟的世界纪录,但功败垂成。At the end of the week, blaine attempted, but failed, to break the world' s nine-minute underwater breath-holding record.

但是,麻雀觉得熊猫一点都没品味。麻雀学游泳,争取每天能憋气一分钟。However, the sparrow considers that panda doesn't have taste. He learns swimming, trying to hold breath longer and longer.