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它非常的五彩缤纷。It’s very colourful.

它浸染在五彩缤纷的秋色里See it in the colors of autumn

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秋天有一盒五彩缤纷的颜料。Autumn has a box of colorful paint.

生活犹如万花筒,五彩缤纷。Living like a kaleidoscope, colorful.

它还有一盒五彩缤纷的颜料呢!It also has a box of colorful paint it!

鼠老三采来一把五彩缤纷的野花,一朵朵摆在大饼上。Rat three put on some flower to the coke.

烟火散开像一片五彩缤纷的瀑布。The firework went off in a cascade of colour.

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路边的霓虹灯五彩缤纷,灿烂夺目。Roadside neon colors, bright and eye-catching.

在这个五彩缤纷的新世界,点子就是最大的财富。In this brave new world, ideas are the greatest currency.

融入大自然中,享受自然景致中的五彩缤纷。Soak in the atmospITe. Enjoy the colors of the earthscape.

花园里花草茂密,五彩缤纷。The garden is carpeted with a mass of multicoloured flowers.

百货商店的墙壁上贴满了五彩缤纷的广告画。Posters were emblazoned on the walls of the department store.

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不到半日,树上便开出了五彩缤纷的“花”。Less than a half-day, tree then exited the colourful "flower".

我们相信,本次英语节将会把你带进一个五彩缤纷的世界。We believe English festival will take you to a wonderful land.

五彩缤纷的玩具,摇铃使他的笑容或达到为他们。Colorful toys and rattles make him smile or reach out for them.

灌木树篱和草地中开满了五彩缤纷的野花。Hedgerows and meadows are thick with a tapestry of wild flowers.

他们认为,它将五彩缤纷的校园生活装于罐头而且有职责。They think it can colorful campus life and having responsibility.

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那些长尾巴、五彩缤纷的鹦鹉真是好看极了。Those long-tailed, multicolored parrots are a delight to the eye.

那些长尾巴、五彩缤纷的鹦鹉真是雅观极了。Those long-tailed, multicolored parrots are a delight to the eye.

嗖的一声,烟花飞出去了,顿时空中是五彩缤纷啊!A whoosh, the fireworks fly out, all at once, the sky is colorful!