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代比在1990年的一次政变中,夺得政权。Deby who took power in a coup in 1990.

他信两年前在一次政变中被罢免。He was ousted in a coup two years ago.

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在44年的政变后,他们逮捕了他。After the ’44 Putsch they arrested him.

那君主被军事政变者废黜了。The monarch was ousted by a military coup.

在我的国家里政变也是家常便饭。We've had a lot of coups in my country too.

政变密谋者试图夺取莫斯科的政权。Coup plotters tried to seize power in Moscow.

美国是否应该资助拉美的政变?Should it be bankrolling coups in Latin America?

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古斯芒先生把这个事件描述为一次被挫败的“政变”。Our plans for a picnic were thwarted by the rain.

他信在2006年的一次军事政变中被废黜。Mr. Thaksin was ousted in a military coup in 2006.

截至目前,已有74人在政变中身亡,530人受伤。The unrests have killed 74 people and injured 530.

卡扎菲以铁腕手段统治利比亚达42年之久,这位机智的领导人在1969年发动不流血的政变夺取政权,将当时的国王伊德里斯赶下台。Gadhafi ruled Libya with an iron fist for 42 years.

北京政变后,段祺瑞将议会解散。Duanqirui dismissed the parliament after Beijing Coup.

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如果军方接管,这将是一个政变。If the military takes over, it will be a coup d 'etat.

古斯芒先生把这个事件描述为一次被挫败的“政变”。Mr Gusm?o described the incident as a thwarted "coup".

在这地区的其他国家都谴责这次政变。Other countries in the region are condemning the coup.

几内亚比绍历来有政变和企图政变的传统。Guinea Bissau has a history of coups and coup attempts.

那政变日期就是八月十五夜晚。The coup date was the fifteenth night of the eighth month.

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此次政变至少造成294人死亡,另有1400余人受伤。At least 294 people were killed and more than 1,400 wounded.

国王认可了2006年推翻他信的那场政变。The king accepted the coup that overthrew Mr Thaksin in 2006.

主席苏莱曼曾警告说,如果宪法改革政变失败。Mr Suleiman has warned of a coup if constitutional reforms fail.