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那将会是一样的温软和柔顺吗?That would be this soft and warm?

他表面上的柔顺使人人受骗。His apparent meekness deceives everyone.

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好吧,我可以在路上买别的柔顺剂。Ok, I can pick something else up on the way.

“好的,雷斯脱,”珍妮柔顺地说。”"I will, Lester, " said Jennie submissively.

酒体丰满,如天鹅绒般柔顺。The wine body is rich, and flexible as velours.

幸福是一种平和,柔顺和无忧无虑的状态。It is peace and gentleness and lightheartedness.

洗后头发特别柔顺,气味清新,清洁。Leaves hair ultra-soft, fresh-smelling and clean.

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它可以使你的头发柔软并有助于柔顺防毛躁。It will make your hair soft and help defrizz curls.

柔顺,新鲜爽洁,回味无穷的樱桃果酱。Soft, fleshy and long palate with cherry-jam notes.

柔顺ICEVA最好的一步,在舒适的顶层。Supple ICEVA top layer for the best step-in comfort.

不要使用柔顺剂洗涤,与浅色衣物分开洗涤。Do not use fabric softener. Wash dark colours separately.

石本坚,润滑柔顺者为驯,更引人喜欢。Shi Benjian, lubrication for compliant breaking, from love.

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这种柔顺的小短裙会让男人和女人都屏住呼吸。The soft skirt both women and men breath staunch character.

柔顺丝滑,优雅的口感应证了玛哥酒的非凡品质。The texture is silky and elegant, proof of a great Margaux.

深樱桃红酒色。果香浓郁,柔滑质感。单宁味柔顺。Deep cherry red color. Fruity, silky texture. Supple tannin.

柔顺的鸟在笼子里,自由的鸟在森林里。The tame bird was in a cage, the free bird was in the forest.

总督老爷是个聪明人,一个聪明柔顺的稳健派。The governor is a wise man-a wise man, and a meek and moderate.

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酒体因使用了较高比例的梅乐,比兄弟园美隆修士堡更为柔顺。With more Merlot and expressed more softly than its sibling Ch.

非凡柔顺的秀发,就此开启水润亮泽新纪元,令旁人艳羡不已。Especially the hair smooth, open water, make new shine others envy.

没有咖啡仍然有好故事涌现,而且图景更加柔顺。Great stories still flow but now there are smoothies in the picture.