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我不干这种见利忘义的事。To forsake good for the sake of gold is not for me.

观察观察一些见利忘义的密友,让我知道人不为己天诛地灭!Look around the selfish close friend , i know that a man lives only for itself!

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一些人见利忘义,损害公众利益,丧失了道德底线。Some people anything to harm the public interest, the loss of a moral bottom line.

正是这些见利忘义的策略让布什和切尼两位先生赢得了四年更加灾难性的任期。This cynical strategy won Bush and Mr. Cheney four more disastrous years in office.

没有价值观、没有信仰、没有操守、见利忘义、无耻无聊的时代No values, no belief, no integrity, forgetting what is right, shameless frivolous era

不要见利忘义,不要损人利已,而应在人类走向繁荣的大潮中去享有自己的那一股激流。What we should do is to enjoy our own share at the common wealth of the human beings.

没有价值观、没有信仰、没有*守、见利忘义、无耻无聊的时代。No values, no belief, no integrity, forgetting what is right, shameless frivolous era.

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人见利忘义,损害公众利益,丧失了道德底线。Some people have sacrificed principle and sought profits at the expense of public interests.

一些人见利忘义,损害公众利益,丧失了道德底线。Some people have sacrificed principle and sought profits at the expense of public interests. They have crossed the moral baseline.

奥巴马会见利忘义屈从诱惑,打出战争牌,并按派普斯的说法“震晕保守派”,从而挽救他自己和他的政党吗?Will Obama cynically yield to temptation, play the war card and make “conservatives swoon, ” in Pipes’ phrase, to save himself and his party?

有趣的是,这些不同也证实了我们对不同专业那些或多或少的偏见,比如精神错乱的心理学家、沉默寡言的自然科学家以及见利忘义的经济学家。On the more humorous side they do confirm our more or less prejudicial stereotypes of the disturbed psychologist, the withdrawn natural scientist, the cynical economist.

Brown表示收到这些支持的信件令人欣慰,因为这表明开发团队没有做任何过份或者见利忘义的事情。Brown said it was comforting to get those letters of support because it showed the development team that they weren't doing anything that was out of bounds or exploitative.