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霍普同样在国际舞台上独占鳌头。Hope dominates the international stage as well.

只要提到家喻户晓的人类四脚朋友,猫咪独占鳌头!When it comes to famous four-legged friends, cats rule!

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但是新的数据出来之后,我们就发现中国现在已经独占鳌头了。But new figures reveal that China has now taken the top spot.

顺便奉告,我方产品在市场上独占鳌头。We might say that our products are the very best on the market.

伴随着这场胜利,银河队以6胜2负的战绩在积分榜上独占鳌头。With the win, Frankfurt improved to 6-2 and sits alone in first place.

哈佛大学独占鳌头,排名前10的大学中有8所是美国大学。Harvard tops the list and eight of the top 10 are in the United States.

至少,在电子商务的某个方面,欧洲的公司是独占鳌头的。In one area of online commerce, at least, its companies dominate the world.

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我们确保你的业务在竞争中脱颖而出,并独占鳌头。We make sure your business stays ahead of the competition and leads the pack.

在俄罗斯和独联体的大企业中,尼辛石油天然气集团独占鳌头。In the Russian and the CIS upstream, Nissim Gas and Oil Group has no competition.

早在半年前伊福普民调机构开展的一项对比调查中,这位足球名将就已是“独占鳌头”。The footballer had already come first in a comparable survey by pollster Ifop six months ago.

新闻代理如今已不再由小部分报业巨头和国家媒体独占鳌头,比如BBC。The news agenda is no longer controlled by a few press barons and state outlets, like the BBC.

狂热背后,浮现出两家风投的影子,它们都希望自己的投资的创业企业能在冷冻酸奶业独占鳌头。Behind the passion are two venture capital firms eager to crown their start-up the "fro-yo" champ.

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虽然现在还只是运营初期,但是“7”就已经在这场世界上最受欢迎的数字的争夺中独占鳌头。Though it's early in the running, right now, "7" is leading the race to be the World's Favorite Number.

普通话人群又将跃居第一,还是英语作为全球通用语独占鳌头?Will Mandarin speakers come roaring back into the lead?Or will English reign as the global lingua franca?

普通话人群又将跃居第一,还是英语作为全球通用语独占鳌头?Will Mandarin speakers come roaring back into the lead? Or will English reign as the global lingua franca?

简氏防务周刊的拉胡尔.贝蒂说,现阶段很难说哪种飞机独占鳌头。Rahul Bedi at Jane's Defense Weekly says it is very difficult to say at this stage which aircraft has the edge.

这里,我没有谈及形式艺术或颜色艺术,因为在此之中,描述便独自以它无比的谦逊便独占鳌头。I am not speaking here of the arts of form or color in which description alone prevails in its splendid modesty.

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自行车运动独占鳌头,部分是因为车神兰斯·阿姆斯特朗这些年一统环法天下。Cycling is behind other sports partly because in recent years the Tour was dominated by one man, Lance Armstrong.

今天,iPod在数字音乐经济中独占鳌头,其模式是付费的个人曲目收藏。Today, digital music economics are dominated by the iPod, with its notion of a paid-up library of personal tracks.

博物馆官员开心的表示,科学院是同样规模里,最具生态的一间,但也不希望一直独占鳌头。Museum officials are hailing the academy as the greenest museum of its size, but hope it does not retain that title.