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感觉界面材料,但容易义齿。It feels like interfacing material, but is easily removeable.

目的使用影像学手段分析种植义齿颈部牙槽骨丧失情况。Objective To analyze peri-implant alveolar bone loss with radiography.

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目的从临床角度分析戴用铸造支架义齿后出现的问题。Objective To analyse the problems of clinically using casting dentures.

种植时机的选择和覆盖义齿修复方案的设计是关键所在。The key points are the implant timing and recovery plan for overdenture.

目的探讨异常颌型全口义齿的修复与固位。Objective To evaluate the retention of abnormal gnathism a complete denture.

采取印模是制作全口义齿的第一步,是成功镶复全口义齿的关键。Taking impression is the first step and the key to complete denture fabrication.

它没有传统义齿所固有的金属卡环。It do not have the inherent tradition artificial tooth institute metal snap ring.

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固位是义齿抵抗从其就位道脱位的能力。Retention is the resistance of the denture to removal along its path of insertion.

唾液可以高效的润湿粘膜,而润湿义齿基托树脂的效率却较低。Saliva wets mucosa very effectively, but is less effective on denture base resins.

目的评价简易套筒冠覆盖义齿的临床应用前景。Objective To evaluate the clinical perspective of analogical telescopic prosthesis.

腭皱有利于全口义齿修复后病人语音的恢复。The palatal rugae helps speech recovery in patients with complete denture restoration.

种植义齿愈来愈多应用于口腔修复领域。Implant supported denture has been more and more often used to restore the loosing teeth.

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目的评价磁性附着体改善下颌全口义齿固位的效果。Objective To evaluate the retention effect of magnetic attachments on mandibular denture.

目的研究口腔前庭唇颊面生理形态并讨论义齿磨光面唇颊面外形。Objective To study the physiological form of oral vestibule's buccal and labial surfaces.

义齿或其他耐水用具用泡腾片进行清洁时,水的颜色将改变成为蓝绿色。Place denture or appliance into effervescing solution which will change from blue to green.

结论杆式附着体及双套冠式覆盖义齿是一种理想的修复形式。Conclusion The bar attachment and the telescopic overdentures are ideal types of prostheses.

提示应重视提高义齿表面光洁度,以减少菌斑附着。It was important to polish the denture base surface to decrease the adherence of Streptococcus.

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目的研究适宜的磨光面外形对提高全口义齿咀嚼效率的重要性。Objective To study the importance of suitable polished surface to raise masticatory efficiency.

用操作简单、易掌握的闭口主动性印模法取得总义齿精确终印模。To make accurate impression for complete denture using simple close mouth impression technique.

植入人工牙根后马上就可以安装永久义齿,大大减少了就诊次数和时间。Install the denture after the implant placement immediately may save the chairside time greatly.