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辛吉斯始终稳扎稳打,没有给库尔尼科娃以可乘之机。Hingis stayed steady throughout, never letting Kournikova break away.

尽管这一时期缺乏轰动效应的片子,摩尔在演艺圈稳扎稳打。Despite the lack of surefire hits during this period, Moore worked steadily.

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与其暴赢,不如缓进,稳扎稳打地积累资产。Treat it gently by allowing your equity to grow steadily rather than in bursts.

也许是由于我的成长背景,我是属于那种稳扎稳打型的人。Maybe it's because of my upbringing, but I am the type who usually plays it safe.

报纸产业也想稳扎稳打,现在也都拼命地从网上找契机。Newspapers played it safe and now most of them are struggling to find leverage online.

印度拥有天才。但是,进步应该稳扎稳打。首先学习制造便宜的塑料玩具。Indian has talented people. But progress should be made step by step. Learn to make cheap plastic toys first.

快速并不一定意味着成功,然而稳扎稳打的人却很可能前程远大。Speed does not always mean success. However the man who is slow and steady is likely to get farthest in life.

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我们需要乘工业化的发展把气温上升趋势做得稳扎稳打,但是这些倒霉蛋有的却打起了自己的小九九。We needed to show a steady rise as industrialisation proceeded, but some of these unfortunates had other ideas.

这座建筑展示的,其实是贝聿铭对自己大多时候稳扎稳打的形象的转变,证明自己可以适应各种风格。What the project does show is how Pei has turned his largely sure and steady hand to any type of building going.

在开学之初就充分利用你的时间,朝着你的目标一步一步稳扎稳打的前进。Start making good use of your time at the beginning of the semester and approach your due dates calm and relaxed.

他开始过稳扎稳打的日子,但事实上祖父临终前对他说的某些话始终在他心头挥之不去。He was starting to get his life together, but he was haunted by something that his grandfather had said to him on his deathbed.

因此,贝尔所称的“比尔•盖茨、拉里•佩奇、谢尔盖•布林和马克•扎克伯格式的创业”,正在缓慢但稳扎稳打地在中国诞生。Thus, what Bell calls the "Bill Gates-Larry Page-Sergey Brin-Mark Zuckerberg model, " is slowly but surely being born in China.

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如果让我选择最终路线,我希望是稳扎稳打、努力工作、降低风险,最终目标是避免让2017年发生灾难。So, I've chosen the ultimate route, slow and steady, hard work but less risky, with the ultimate goal of avoiding disaster in 2017.

但摩根士丹利计划继续稳扎稳打,主要在政府债券和货币等高流动性业务领域提高风险偏好。But the firm plans to continue to tread carefully, mainly ramping up risks in well-traveled areas such as government bonds and currencies.

世界上的一切不可能在一夜之间发生变化,中国似乎是在稳扎稳打,将美国从战略止称之为“区域封锁”的海岸线上推回去。It will not happen overnight and worldwide, but China appears to be steadily pushing the US back from its shores in a strategy know as "area denial".

金证顾问表示,近期大盘的走势仍然牢牢掌控在多方手中,大盘延续稳扎稳打的阵地式进攻。Gold card consultants said that the recent market trend is still firmly in control in the multi-hands steady market extension of the assault position.

从星期三到星期五,你会稳扎稳打地有步骤地凭着直觉和极佳的敏感度去接近你周围的人。Then, from Wednesday until sometime Friday, a slow and steady approach is in order, with self-awareness coupled with extra sensitivity to those around you.

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我不怕错过所有的乐趣,而且能够在2010年这个预期非常非常艰难的年份适当地稳扎稳打。I'm not scarred by missing out on all the fun, and I might even be able to play it appropriately safe in 2010 for what promises to be a very, very tough year to read.

根据公司或企业的发展阶段适当融资,不要贪大,不要太快,而是要稳扎稳打。The development level according to company or enterprise is appropriate financing, do not have an insatiable desire for big, not too fast, want however slow and steady.

波兰车手库比卡利用发车乱局以及整场比赛的稳扎稳打,最终收获日本站亚军,赛后他对这个比赛成绩感到满意。Polish driver Kubica use of the chaotic start of the game as a whole, as well as a steady and eventually harvest stands runner-up Japan, after the game he was satisfied with the result.